4). A Very Pink Tea Party

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No one's POV:

Toby was being dragged by Sally through the halls of the big mansion. The little girl seemed to know how to orientate herself but Toby on the other hand was pretty sure he was gonna get lost in the mansion.

After a few minutes they stopped in front of a big pink door. Sally smiled and walked in still holding Toby's hand.

"Welcome to my room!"

She said giggling and smiling at Toby. He smiled back under his mouthguard and then looked at the room. It had white walls covered in pictures of animals and had a big library with lots of stuffed animals on it. He then moved his gaze to the big bed with pink sheets. Toby looked back at Sally.

"I-It's *tick* a ver-ry nice r-r-room S-Sally"

"Thank you! I want to play now"

"W-w-what do *tick* you wa-nt to p-play?"

"Hummm... What about a Tea Party?"

Toby nodded slightly and twitched. The little girl smiled then started laying down the stuff for the Tea Party on a small table and Toby helped her out. After the finished Sally turned to Toby smiling.

"Let's dress you up now!"

Toby looked at the little girl shocked


"Yes yes, let's get you in a dress!"

Toby for sure wasn't pleased at the idea of getting into a dress but he didn't want to upset the little girl so he just sighted and agreed. Sally jumped enthusiastic and ran to her closet, walking out with a pink dress in her hands. Toby sighted and took the dress as the girl handed it to him. He walked into the closet and got charged into the dress.

(this is what the dress looks like)

Toby looked in the mirror of the closet and smiled slightly under his mouthguard

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Toby looked in the mirror of the closet and smiled slightly under his mouthguard. He giggled and looked at himself again.

"Guess I don't look that bad in this.. I actually look good"

He smirked and shook his head at his thoughts. He then walked out of the closet just to find himself face to face with 2 bitch black eyes. He looked at the girl up and down. She had long black hair and pale skin. Sally then popped out from behind the girl.

"Hey Toby! You look amazing in the dress!"

Toby remembered about what he was wearing and immediately tryed to cover himself but it was no use. Sally then turned to the pale girl and made puppy eyes.

"Can you wear a dress too? Pleeeeeasee?"

The girl sighted and walked to the closet and a few minutes after she walked out wearing a pink dress too.

(something like this)

Sally giggled and sat on the floor next to the little table and so did the other 2

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Sally giggled and sat on the floor next to the little table and so did the other 2. Toby looked down embarrassed and ticked every so often. The brunette girl smiled at Sally then turned to Toby and held her hand out for him.

"Hey I'm Jane"

Toby looked at her hand then shaked it and said

"H-hay Jane p-pleasure to me-et you. *tick* I t-t-think you alrea-dy know my n-name"

"Toby isn't it? Well please to meet you too"

The boy smiled and after introducing themselves Sally decided to take part at the conversation and start the Tea Party.

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