26). Masks Off~

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No one's POV:

Masky was sleeping peacefully on the sofa. Everyone has came back from whatever they were doing but never bothered to wake him up.

Toby's POV:

I walked back into the mansion after I finished my missions. I went straight to my room and took a shower. I slipped into a pair of jeans and a comfy black hoodie and headed downstairs to go find Ems. She was supposed to be home since she had no missions yet. I looked for her but couldn't find her. Ems, EJ and Masky were the only ones home... Maybe I could ask EJ... But we aren't exactly 'in terms' so it wasn't the best idea, plus I didn't see him anywhere and I'm to scared to go look for him in his room. I walked back upstairs and headed to the secondary living room that was nearest to the Proxy rooms. There I found a sleeping Masky who looked very peaceful. I walked over to him and stared down at his sleeping body, his mask was still on and I was so tempted to take it off. I wanted to see his beautiful hazel eyes once again and those soft looking lips... So kissable... I snapped out of my thoughts and shook my head. I was here to ask him about where BR is and not stare at his face, well mask-
I leaned down and took one last glance at his mask... UGH FUCK IT!
I slipped my hands to the side of his face bring careful not to make him wake up. I unclipped the lace that kept his mask attached to his face and slowly took it off. I smiled under my mouth guard as soon as I saw his face. He was so beautiful and peaceful while sleeping. A blush crept onto my cheeks as I stared at his soft lips. I shook my head to try and contain myself. I put down the mask on the coffee table then gently tapped Masky's shoulder and whispered softly

"M-Masky, please w-wake up"

I heard him groan and turn slowly to snuggle into the cussion.

"Come o-on Masky"

I whispered softly, gently shaking his side. He groaned in return then his hand moved up to rub his face. He immediately sat up with his eyes widened and he started looking around until his gaze met mine. He opened his mouth like he was about to start yelling but he didn't say anything. He simply looked at me. I looked down then glanced at the mask. I took it and handed it to him and as expected he took it but didn't put it on. Instead he scooched aside and patted the space next to him. I sat down next to him and looked at NY hands.


"I'm sorry for what I've done Toby..."

Masky said cutting me off. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"I-I'm sorry t-too... F-For ignoring y-you..."

"Its fine don't worry. Um... How's your head... Since...you know..."

"O-Oh I'm fine d-don't w-w-worry!"

I saw a hint of a smile form on his lips. He was looking at the ground but I wanted to see those beautiful hazel eyes more...

"U-Um... S-Since you have y-your *tick* m-ma-mask off, I-I think I-it's only fair i-if I t-take mine o-off too..."

His eyes shot up and looked at Mr confused. I was nervous... I've never shown my face to anyone here except for Jane and Clockwork, Not even Jeff nd BEN! I tugged on my mouth guard with my fingers but stopped and looked at the floor then back at Masky.

"P-Promise to n-n-not make f-fun if m-me?"

I said and he nodded with a confused look in his eyes. I took a deap breath then pulled down my mak uncovering the gash in my cheek. I heard Masky shift slightly nd I glanced up at him, he had a look on his face... It seemed like he was freaked out or... Disgusted... I quickly slipped my mask back on but something stopped me before I could do anything. I turned around and saw Masky holding my wrist firmly.

"Don't... Don't cover it up..."

He said in a tone that had a hint of sweetness in it. I looked at him in the eyes then looked down at his hand then back at his eyes. He didn't let go. Instead he pulled me closer to him then hugged me then I heard Masky whisper something in my ear very softly

"You are beautiful..."

HE whispered and this caused me to blush bright red. HOLY SHIT WHAT DID HE JUST- I started freaking out internally, then I slowly hugged back hiding my blushing face into his shoulder.

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