7). A Creepy Smile And Bloody Tears

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No one's POV:

That's what Toby thought. On the sofa, in front of the TV, there were the last people he wanted to see... Jeff and BEN... And to think Hoodie just told him to stay away from them. He quietly turned around to leave and that hopeful they didn't notice him. But as he turned around a wooden board creeked under him. Toby bit his lip and cussed under his breath.

Ticci Toby's POV:

"Great. Just my fucking luck."
I turned around and found myself face to face with Jeff and BEN right behind him.

"Well, well, well~ What do we have here?"

Jeff said and I saw his smile grow wider, if it was even possible... I couldn't bring myself to do eye contact with him so I just looked to the side and as I was about to move and walk past him he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the couch.

"Sooo~ we didn't introduce ourselves properly yet"

BEN said plopping down on the couch next to Jeff.

"I'm BEN but I'm sure you know that because I might of heard Hoodie talking to you about me and Jeff"

I nodded slightly and ticked nervously. Jeff then turned to me and smirked.

"I'm Jeff and I can already tell that We Will Make Shit Go Down together"

BEN started laughing and I just smiled awkwardly. Then Jeff talked once again

"Anyways- wanna play some video games?"

I smiled and nodded vigorously.

"S-Sure! As long *tick* as B-B-BEN doesn't c-cheat hehe"

BEN looked at me and gritted his teeth annoyed while Jeff started laughing.
TO be honest I wasn't scared of him, once I saw him face to face and I talked to him he didn't see that scary but of course I won't drop my guard...

"Ok ok whatever! Let's just play already"

BEN said annoyed but not mad. I saw him smile slightly with the corner of my eye. I smiled too and then we started playing video games for the rest of the day since my training hasn't already started.

Destined Together (TicciMask - Ticci Toby x Masky) Where stories live. Discover now