20). Everything Falls Down

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~in the morning~

Ticci Toby's POV:

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I sat up and looked at the time, 8.02 am.
Shit I'm gonna be late-
I jumped out of bed and stumbled a lil duo the fact that I was up from 1 till 3 am for... 'reasons'. I gained my balance and quickly walked to the bathroom where I prepared myself to go downstairs to have breakfast.
I went to my closet and wore come comfortable black jeans and an extremely oversized hoodie that basically arrived half way down my thighs. I looked in the mirror and giggled. I loved that hoodie... Me and Lyra use to wear it together when we were younger... It was so big both of us fit in with no problem. I smiled at the sweet memories of Lyra then headed downstairs.

~in the kitchen~

Jeff's POV:

It was my turn cooking. I love cooking don't get me wrong but... I hate the fact that Slendy makes us wear a freaking apron. The last one I had to wear was bright pink and I hated it. Ended I burnt it, totally not on purpose- Today tho the apron seemed pretty decent. It was black and it had 'ki__ the Chef' written in blood red. I smiled and wore it then started cooking. Slowly everyone started coming downstairs and taking their food. The only people I haven't seen yet were Toby and Tim... I shrugged and prepared food for them too. As soon as I was done cooking I grabbed my plate and left the kitchen. I then met Toby at the entrance of the kitchen.

"Oh morning sleepy head"

"H-Hey Jeff"

"Your food is on the kitchen, oh also- can you go call T- uh- Masky? He hasn't come to take his food yet"

Toby nodded and walked away. I thanked him and walked to the table in the dining room where everyone was already eating and chatting.

Toby's POV:

Jeff told me to go call Masky... After what happened last night I didn't really want to see him... Only thinking about Masky made me remember my dream from last night and I blushed furiously. I shake my head and wondered where Masky could be. I walked up to his room and knocked on the door but got no reply, so I walked in just to find the room perfectly tidied. I've never seen Masky's room before... It was pretty cool, I must admit. It had an elegant touch to it. The mansion may look old and destroyed on the outside but the inside it was absolutely gorgeous, it was decorated in a modern way yet it had a cold touch to it. All the rooms were docorated with extreme fashion and were personalized for each person, aparently the rooms for the Proxies were bigger and more studied than the ones for the normal Creepypastas. The Proxy rooms reflected the personality of each one of their owners. Masky's room was identical to him. It was modern and elegant, it emanated a feeling of coldness but it wasn't too dark, it actually was quite bright, just like him. Masky is elegant and cold, yet he has a soft side, which is reflected by the light of the sun that came through the window.

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