25). Peace

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~a week after the fight~

No one's POV:

It had been a week since the sudden outburst of Masky. Everyone had their guards up whenever him and the 2 teen Proxies were in the same room. Masky tryed to apologize to Toby but he would just flip him off and walk away or straight up ignore him. Things between BR and Masky weren't any better. Masky refused to apologize to her and whenever they were in a room someone had to be there with them because just as soon as left alone they would be at each other's throats. They communicated with each other with low growls and warning glares. If glaring could kill both of them would be laying on the floor lifeless.

Right now Masky was sat on the sofa alone. Everyone was out on missions or minding their business. The only ones home were Masky, EJ and BR. Even Slendy and Sally weren't home. The masked Proxy was immersed in his own trail of thoughts when he felt the sofa shift with someone's weight. His gaze shot up to meet a familiar mask. He growled at BR which simply ignored him. Masky glared at the girl who was reading a book peacefully on the opposite side of the sofa then she suddenly spoke up

"Hey... Listen i don't know why the fuck you threw me across the room last week and I honestly don't care. But since we started with the wrong foot-"

Masky looked up at the girl and raised an eyebrow from under his mask.


He growled out and the girl sighted

"What I'm trying to say is, can we just start over?"

"Tch, why should I agree to this?"

BR glared at him with her only visible eye and growled slightly at the male.

"We both love Toby very much and you can't deny it because I saw that you've tried to apologize to him multiple times. When I say that I love Toby I mean in a best friend way alright? So don't pull that YaNdErE attitude at me"

Masky stared at her then lowered his head. He took quite some time thinking then he finally replied

"Fine... But don't think I trust you"

"Yeah yeah whatever Tim. Anyways, I have been pretty curious about something"

"Don't call me that. And what are you curious about?"

"What do you think of Toby~?"

She said looking at the older Proxy, a smirk was able to be heard in her voice. The male growled and looked away blushing under his mask, boy was he glad he was wearing it. She snorted and started laughing. Masky snapped his head in her direction and yelled out blushing even more.



She kept laughing crutching her arms at her stomach. Masky was pissed off and flustered at the same time, he yelled at her to stop laughing but she would not stop so he pushed her off the couch making the teen girl fall on the floor still laughing like crazy.


"Speaks the one who is constantly hiding his face~ Wait- no never mind I'm not any better-"

Masky started laughing at BR expecting her to snap back at him but she just started laughing with him. Then BR got up from the floor and sat down next to Masky, wiping away a tear. Soon enough both of them started chatting and joking until the door of the room bursted open revealing an annoyed looking Eyeless Jack. Both the Proxies turned around to face him and gave him a questioning look.

"What's wrong Jacky Boy~?"

BR mocked smirking at him. EJ growled at her as a response and walked towards her.

"I'm out of Kidneys"

He spat out annoyed. BR just looked at him blankly then she giggled and stood up

"Lets go on a killing spree then~!"

"Are you even allowed?"

Masky said but he got ignored by her. She dissappeared upstairs then walked down again wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans, scythe in hand and knives at her belt. Her and Jack left leaving Masky alone in the mansion. He layed down on the sofa lost in his trail of thoughts but soon drifted to sleep.

Destined Together (TicciMask - Ticci Toby x Masky) Where stories live. Discover now