21). Déjà Vu

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!!! WARNING !!!
Warning this chapter will contain Gore and Self-harm so if you are not comfortable reading these type of things please skip this chapter, there will be a small explanation of what happened in the next chapter of course skipping the details.
Ok now onto this chapter!

No one's POV:

A week. It had been a whole week since the young Proxy left his room. Of course everyone noticed and was worried. Jeff and BEN would try and visit him often but didn't manage to get into the room to see Toby. Jane would bring him food knock and try to talk to him but Toby would only say that he was fine and if she could leave the food on the floor in front of the door. Once she was gone the boy would open the door just enough to make the plate slip through. He would take the food but he wouldn't eat it. He would just flush it down the toilet and put the plate back out the door. Toby had lost a lot of weight and muscles. His skin got pailer than it already was, before it was just pail but not a sick looking pale color... Now it was turning grey-ish white; the bags under his eyes were darker, way darker than before. He hadn't been sleeping very well because of what happened... Masky's words had triggered some old memories that Toby thought he had forgotten... But how could he? How could he forget all of the things his father had done to him? His old habits of chewing on his fingers came back and his anxiety grew and grew each night. His night terrors would chase him every time he closed his eyes. In these dreams he would see old flashbacks of his previous life... Of his father. He would wake up gasping and shaking like crazy. Toby was terrified. Also the voices in his head he thought he managed to sopress came back and hunted him down. They were worse. Everything was.

Toby's POV:

I-I can't do this

I was sitting on the floor i the corner of my room, all the lights off. I was hugging my knees and I was biting down on my fingers. It wasn't enough. They wouldn't shut up.



Useless bitch


Retarded ticking kid

You are just a kid

You can't do anything right

No one wants you here

You should be dead

Why don't you just do it?


You weren't supposed to be born


You can't feel pain what a pitty

Do it

You can't feel pain so just do it!

Chewing those fingers of yours isn't enough!

It'll never be!

Cut your self






ᥴꪊ𝓽  !







I moved up my hands and pressed them against my head. I squeezed harder and harderand whispered





I started yelling and screaming. No one was home tho, everyone was on missions. Although I heard someone banging on my door but soon the voices overpowered the pounding at the door. Then out of nowhere the door flew out of it's hinges and laid on the floor next to me. At the door was standing a figure. I didn't recognize them tho... The voices immediately disappeared. I looked up just to be met with a masked face contoured by blond long locks slipping out from under a black hoodie.

Who the hell is this?

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