24). What The Hell Masky

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!!! WARNING !!!
This chapter will contain some fighting and harming scenes but nothing to crazy. Still if you aren't comfortable with fighting scenes or these kinda stuff feel free to skip to the infirmary part, I'll leave a mark where it is ( 𖣔 )

No one's POV:

The 2 teenager Proxies walked down into the living room where they were greated by Clockwork sitting on the side couch between Jane and LJ, EJ at his usual spot on the armchair, Jeff sitting on the couch in front of the TV with BEN playing video games. Toby sat down next to Jeff and since there was no more space BR sat down on the floor and layed her head on the ticking boy. As soon as they arrived Hoodie walked in the room and scanned through everybody quickly then individuated the 2 young Proxies he sprinted towards them

"Toby, BR-"

He was soon cut off by a loud bang.
Masky stormed into the room and soon grabbed BR from the collar of her hoodie and yanked her across the room. She groaned as she sat up and shot a glare at the masked man then snapped at him

"Man what the fuck?!"


The older Proxy yelled back. The teen got up and shot a death glare with her only visible eye. Masky emitted a low growl and charged at her but he was soon stopped by someone else. He snapped his head back to see Toby holding him from attacking the teen girl. Masky grabbed Toby and threw him to the ground yelling at him

"Stay out of this Tick Freak"

Everyone was just standing there looking at Masky confused and shocked. The masked proxy then turned to the young girl who was looking over at Toby laying on the floor with a open bleeding wound on his forhead. Her gaze moved from the ticking boy to Masky. She looked at him then back at Toby then back at him. Her eye was now wide open and her pupil was a thin slit. Her eyes glowing with pure anger. She growled loudly.

"What the fuck did you do,"

She paused then a hint of a smirk was saw from behind her mask.


Masky snapped his head up and stared at the girl shocked, everyone was. She growled once more then walked to Toby and picked him up without any problems. Her head snapped at EJ who quickly made his way to her side and they both walked off to the infirmary. Masky glared at her as she walked away. Then Hoodie walked to him and smacked across the face. With that he left too. The masked boy growled then stormed off leaving the rest of the crowd confused as heck.

"What the hell Masky?"

Jeff said in a low tone then he walked off with Ben to the infirmary to go check up on their friends.


~in the infirmary with EJ, TOBY and BR~

"Stay still"

EJ growled at Toby as he flinched while the eyeless boy cleaned up his wound. Yes he couldn't feel pain but it was still uncomfortable. BR on the other hand had just an ice pack on the back of her head and was looking at how EJ was stitching up Toby.

"The fuck is wrong with that guy"

She growled out as EJ put down the needle and the stitches.

"He's not normally like that, guess he forgot his medicine"

She clicked her tongue clearly in annoyance. BR stood up but fell back on the chair duo the pain in the back of her head.

"I would stay down if I were you Hun"

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