33). Other Proxies

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Toby's POV:

I was standing there staring at my friend's face. I've never seen BR without her mask before. I herd her growl in a low tone at Tim but why? Then the guy that she was attacking earlier put an arm around her shoulders.

"Ems chill out seriously, drop it"

Ems?! Only I call her that! Who are these people?!

Just like that Slendy appeared and told them to introduce themselves. BR rolled her ates and scoffed, moving to the side so the others cold come in front. Aparently they were other Proxies...

"Well let's just get this over with because I wanna go hunting"

The guy that had his arms around Ems walked forward and smirked at us, but it wasn't an evil nor a perv smirk, just a smirk. He was wearing a white hoodie just like Jeff and he had ice blue eyes.

"Pleasure to meet you noobie, I'm Hobo Heart. I'm 254 years old but I stopped aging at 23. Oh-! And my catch frase is 'Do you value your heart?' "

He said his catch frase in a much deeper voice than his normal one, and it sent shivers down my spine. I heard someone snickering from the side and I saw BR repeating his catch frase but in a mocking way. Hobo rolled his ice blue eyes and walked over to her gritting his teeth clearly annoyed.
Then another person walked forward.

"Hey I'm Puppeteer and I'm another of Slender's Proxies. Hope we will get along well"

And with that he moved to the side getting in between BR and Hobo that were having a staring competition.
I smiled slightly under my mouth guard then turned to face other 2 people that were now in front of me.
One had a white mask in his hand with a red smile painted on it and he was wearing a blue suit with a yellow smiling emoji attached to the side. The person to my left instead was wearing a white doctor's gown and a surgery mask with a black grinning smile on it. The doctor like man speaker up

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Dr. Smiley and this *he pointed to the guy next to him* is Bloody Painter"

"or you can call me Helen"

The blue suit guy said after which I nodded slightly twitching.

"W-well nice t-to meet you a-a-all, I'm T-Toby but my *tick* Proxy n-name is T-Ticci Toby. I u-use axes t-to kill and I'm 17. *tick* As y-you can t-t-tell I h-have Tour-rets..."

Then I saw them smile and chuckle slightly.

Were they making fun of me?!

Then Dr Smiley spoke up smiling.

"gosh no need to say it like that. Man it's ok if you have Turrets, I mean- Everyone here has some mental issues or some other problems, otherwise why the hell would they be here?"

I looked at him with clear confusion on my face then Hobo Heart spoke up.

"Man I take people's hearts and this idiot over here,"

He grabbed BR and pulled her forward into an embrace, her back pushed against his and his arms wrapped around her, then smiled looking at us.

"She has a split personality and goddamn if she's bipolar, also she is completely insane and I'm not sure if she told you yet about her diet but I think you noticed she doesn't drink water at the table"

I heard BR growl and saw her glare at Hobo. I slightly nodded.

"Well that liquid is actually blood"

I widened my eyes and looked at BR in disbelief. I saw her gritt her teeth and then bite Hobo's hand harshly. He growled and smaked on the back of her head. She rolled her eyes and walked off. Smiley just looked at her as she walked away into the living room followed by Hobo, Puppeteer and Helen. He sighted then looked at us

"I'm sorry for their behavior but they act like children sometimes... Anyways I have some work to do see ya"

And with that he left.

Well that was for sure interesting... And seeing BR's face I kinda understand why she hid it... But why did she growl at Tim out of the blue?

She sure ows me some explanation...

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