13). Preparing

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Hoodie's POV:

I walked back into my room then grabbed my hoodie and shirt and slipped them on. Toby and Masky sat on my bed and waited for me to be done so they could talk.

"So why are you 2 here?"

"I accompanied Toby here since he didn't know where the Proxy hallway was, but the reason he's here I think he should explain it"

I looked at Toby who was sitting on my bed with his back against the wall and his giggles were pulled up on his head. He looked at me then at the floor.


I asked

"U-Um... S-Slendy decided t-t-to send me on *tick* m-my first m-m-mission..."

I looked at him and nodded.

"So why did you come here?"

"H-He told m-me that y-you *tick* had to come with m-m-me"

I nodded once again tho it was wierd he sent me and not Masky since he's the one who trained him...

"So do you have the letter with the names?"

"Y-yeah but I r-r-remember the n-names. P-Peter Gatterbe-rg, M-M-Marina *tick* H-Hausbet, Martin G-Gatterberg, J-J-Jaxon Gat-terberg, S-Sophie Gatterberg"

I looked at him a lil shocked.

"A whole family? On your first mission? Did Slender say something about the mission?"

Toby paused for a second then nodded. He looked at me and Masky then started talking again.

"H-he said t-t-that if I manage *tick* t-to finish t-this mission I-I-I'll o-officially *tick* become a C-Creepypasta and i-if I exel t-t-there will b-be a *tick* s-surprise"

I looked at him then at Masky. I knew he must've had a shooked expression too under his mask. I looked back at Toby.

"Toby... Can you show us or tell us what the letter looks like?"

"H-Huh? I-I don't *tick* r-remember..."

I looked at him and sighted.

"Anyways. We need to plan when to go out. I want to hear how you would organize this mission"

Toby hummed and nodded twitching. Masky just sat there and listened.

"S-so I was t-t-thinking of l-leaving this evening *tick* a-around 8 pm s-so it would be d-dark and people w-wont n-n-notice us e-easily. I *tick* a-already checked w-with B-BEN where the h-h-house is a-and it'll t-take a few *tick* hours to get t-there. W-we should a-a-arrive around 10 p-pm s-so most o-of the f-family should a-already be asleep"

I nodded in approval at his planning.

"Who are you gonna attack first?"

"I-I actually t-thought that I w-w-would c-cut out t-the electricity f-first s-so it *tick* would b-be harder f-for them to o-o-orientate and c-call the cops. Then *tick* I would a-attack t-the parents f-f-fist. I'll n-need to be quiet s-so the children d-don't wake u-up and call for h-help. After t-the parents I'll l-l-look for J-Jaxon w-who's the older s-son. Then *tick* for the 2 y-younger c-c-children who s-share a room"

"That's a great plan Tobs"

I said smiling under my mask.

Masky's POV:

I just sat there in Hoodie's room listening to Toby's plan for his first mission. I must admit that this kid is really intelligent, he may look goofy and have ticks but he is very intelligent. I was a little annoyed tho... Not by him this time, but by the fact that Slender decided to send Hoodie with him instead of me... I am the one who trained him not Hoodie! Wait why do I care so much? I shrugged off these thoughts and concentrated on Toby and Hoodie. They were talking about the family and what they would use to complete the mission. I was getting annoyed by the fact that they talked so much and how close they've gotten. It pissed me off. I stood up out of nowhere and left the room slamming the door. I heard Toby call my name but u didn't listen and walked down the stairs. It was around 5 pm so there was still light outside. I walked out and sat at the entrance on the small staircase. I checked if anyone was near them moved aside my mask and pulled out my pack of cigarettes. I took one out and lighted it. I sat there smoking peacefully as the sun slowly went down... Why did I react like that? Why do I get annoyed every time Brian talks to Toby? Ugh whatever I should concentrate on my duties. I finished my cigarette and walked back inside. I walked up to my room and passed Hoodie's. Toby was still in there because I heard them talk. I shook my head and went to my room. I should take a shower... I thought. I got up and took off my mask and locked my room's door. I stripped off my clothes and headed to my bathroom then turned on the shower. I slipped under the shower and smiled as the hot water hit my body. I relaxed under the hot steemy water and poured some shampoo onto my head and massaged it into my hair. I then washed myself and got out of the shower. I wrapped myself up into a towel and walked to my closet with my soaked hair dripping onto my face. I slipped on my underwear and some black jeans then proceeded to dry my hair with the blow dryer. I then layed down in bed looking at the ceiling. I soon felt myself getting tired and slowly drifting to sleep.

~timeskip to dinner time~

Masky's POV:

I woke up to the sound of people chatting and cooking downstairs. I sat up in my bed and checked the time, 7.45 pm... Guess I fell asleep... I stood up and walked to the closet, grabbed a dark green hoodie and slipped it on. I then walked out of my room and noticed that Hoodie and Toby weren't in Hoodie's room anymore. I shrugged and walked downstairs and sat down next to EJ. Him and I don't really talk that often, well he doesn't talk much to anyone to be honest, but even tho he eats Kidneys he probably is one of the most sane people who live in the mansion. Jack greeted me with a nod and went back to reading his book. I just sat there waiting for the rest of the Creepypasta to arrive and have dinner all together.

No one's POV:

After some time everyone had gathered at the dining table and started eating and chatting. Masky was sat between EJ and BEN, while Toby sat in front of him and was chatting with Hoodie who was right beside him.

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