42). The End

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~ timeskip to 25 years later ~

(Author: Bet ya didn't expect that huh?)

No one's POV:

"And that's the Story of the Masky and Toby"

"Huh?! It ends just like that?! What happened to them after the date?"

The little girl looked up at the male in front of her with a gaze full of curiosity and a hint of sadness. The male shrugged as he got up from the chair next to the girls bed.

"No one knows sweety"

"Awww... I'll find out then!"

She said with determination in her eyes. The man chuckled and shook his head

"We will see 'bout that honey but not now because it's bed time"

The chocolate haired girl let out a sad sight then nodded laying down in her bed as the male tugged her in. She looked up at the male and smiled.

"Goodnight dad, say goodnight to daddy from me"

The male smiled and kissed her forhead softly.

"Sweet dreams, Sophia"

He said standing up and turning off the light on the nightstand. He waited till she was asleep then he headed out the room. He carefully closed the door then walked down the hallway which had a few family pictures of the girl and her parents on the furniture. He looked at them quickly as he headed to the master bedroom.
He stopped near the door but then turned around and looked at a picture frame on the wall with the whole family in it. He smiled then entered the bedroom and headed to the closet.
He changed in his signature clothes and walked to the bookshelf. He looked through all the bookcases and then he reached out his hand to pull out a specific one. Once he pulled it the bookshelf emitted a low creek and slowly started shifting to the side, revealing a dark tunnel. The male reached out to pull a leaver as the tunnel light up. He smirked and vanished inside of it as the bookshelf shirt ed back in place. He walked down a set of stairs and then went straight down the small corridor. He quickly walked for around 10 minutes till he finally reached another set of stairs with a door at the top. It was possible to see sun rays through the cracks of it as the man approached it. He then opened it to find himself in a forest which he knew all too well. He breathed in as he walked through it following a small path. He then stopped as he arrived at an abandoned looking mansion. He opened the door just to be greeted by a bunch of familiar faces. He greeted them back then a younger male walked over to him and smiled.

The man smirked then pulled the younger boy with the same chocolate hair as his daughter and kissed him.

After they partered the oldest spoke up.

"Lovely to see you Babe"

The younger boy chuckled and smiled as the man took his hand and kissed it right were the marriage ring was. His chocolate brown eyes locked with the older's hazel ones.

"W-Welcome home, l-love"

~The End~



And honestly I didn't know what to do in this chapter so I'm sorry if it is short.

Destined Together (TicciMask - Ticci Toby x Masky) Where stories live. Discover now