29). Secret

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!!! WARNING !!!
Ok Imma warn y'all. THERE. WILL. BE. SPICE. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

Toby's POV:

It has been 3 weeks since me and Masky- um- confessed... We haven't told anyone about us and we tried our best to hide our 'relationship'. I'm not sure if we are officially dating because he never asked me out officially... Well anyways! The past 3 weeks have been amazing! Me and Masky have been spending a lot of time together in either my room or his. We cuddled and just hanged out most of the time, although there were some heated moments between us at times.
Like last week I walked in on Tim half naked after a shower, he only had a towel wrapped around his waist. It was pretty darn embarrassing but boy did it turn me on seeing his perfectly sculpted body built- ok I need to stop my honey teenager hormones right now. Anyways, there would be some quite heated make out sessions in the woods after training or in one of each other's room. It was hard tho, keeping it a secret... I always wanted to be around Tim and hug him... But I couldn't. What would happen if Slendy got to know? Would he axept it? Or would he make us break up?! We had to keep it a secret.
Well moving on to other stuff other than Masky, me and BR have been going on missions together quite a lot but I could never see her kill someone... It was making me pissed because I never knew what she would do or what techniques she had. She would simply change the subject if I would ask her anything. It made me a lil annoyed,plus she hasn't shown me her face yet! I nearly caught her without it tho, once she fell asleep on the couch with me, BEN and Jeff. I was on the couch in front of the TV with BEN but Ems was on the other one with Jeff right beside her but on the floor- Aparently the lace of her mask came loose and her mask was slowly but surely slipping off her face. It slipped half way off revealing her left eye. I only managed to have a quick glance before she readjusted her mask. I was sure of what I've seen tho. The veins that came from her closed eye were clearly visible duo the fact that they turned black. I was confused on what that meant but, I mean, here we all are quite unique so maybe that's just her look? Maybe it isn't anything bad right?
I shook my head and stood up from my bed. Right now I was in my room and Masky was showering in his room since he just came back from a mission with Hoodie. I slowly walked over to the dresser and took a familiar orangey jacket. It was Tim's, he gave it to me a few nights ago since it was cold and I was in his room. I had to go back to my room before Slender came to check if everyone was in their rooms so he gave me his jacket to warm me up and walk back to my room. I smiled and slipped it on the peeked my head out the door to check if anyone was in the hallway before slipping out and run to my boyfriend's room. I quickly slipped in and saw Tim getting dressed. I blushed as I walked over to him without him noticing me and then wrapped my arms around him from behind. I felt him tense up as soon as I touched him, but as soon as he recognized me he relaxed and turned around.

"Hey Toby"

He said softly which I smiled, he might seem rude and tough but he is so sweet underneath that rough skin, he is only sweet with me and that makes me love him even more.

"Hey T-Tim~"

I said, slightly saying his name in a singing tone. He smiled and pecked my lips. I closed my eyes and snuggled into his biceps then I looked up laying my chin against his chest. He chuckled lightly and smiled.

"You are so adorable Toby"

I then felt his arms wrap around my waist and suddenly pulling me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my hands on his shoulders.
I blushed and looked straight into his eyes and noticed he was staring back at me, I could see the list in his deep hazel eyes. Tim started walking and layed me down on his bed then looked down at my figure.

Masky's POV:

Damn Toby, you are so adorable and hot at the same time... I thought to myself. I gazed down his figure and noticed he was wearing a familiar jacket. I smirked

"Hehe~ I see that you like this jacket a lot Toby"

I saw him blush and look away embarrassed, Aw how cute~. I smiled and leaned down and pecked his lips.

"But it would look better on the floor right now"

His eyes widened slightly and he covered his face with his hands. Goddamn it stop being so freaking adorable! I started to kiss him as my hand slipped down to the zip of my jacket. I started tugging on it and slipped down the zip then slowly taking it off of Toby. He was blushing but he didn't complain. I moved back slightly to take off my shirt. I saw his stare at me while I was slipping off my shirt, that made me turn to him and smirk.

"Like what you see~?"

He blushed then slowly nodded. Wow blunt much- but that's ok because that's why I love him. I moved to him and started kissing him with a bit more passion. Then I decided to make a move.

Toby's POV:

Tim was on top of me and we were kissing intensively. I felt something brush against my lips but I ignored it, then I felt it again but more demanding. My lips partnered slightly at that feeling then I felt it- Tim's toungh slipped into my mouth and it started wondering around. I moaned slightly at that feeling and started to feel my pants grow tighter and tighter. I decided to take a bit of control and not let Tim do everything. I pushed him onto the bed and got on top of him. I smirked as he looked at me in surprise but then his gaze turned back to the one full of lust. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me softly then started to move down to my neck. I woaned quietly at each kiss but then he kissed one special spot and goddamn it felt good. I moaned as Tim started to abuse that spot with bites and licks. I started to gring against his hips to try and get him to feel a bit of pleasure just like me. I felt him grunt against my neck then laying his head onto my shoulder and breathe quite heavily. I pressed my lower half against his manhood reagion. I could feel his erection growing against me. I moaned quietly and that was it. He was fully hard and he bucked his hips up wanting more. I smirked and pulled his face up kissing him once again. We were grinding on each other like crazy and he was sucking on my neck every so often. We were like 2 horny teenagers but only one of us is a teen- Wait it suddenly hit me. How age even is he?! Well I don't really care, I love him so fuck the age.
At this point the higher part of my body was naked and covered in hickeys and bite marks. We were about to start undressing even more when we heard a loud yelling sound from downstairs but we ignored it. But suddenly the door slammed open and Hoodie and BR walked in. Both me and Masky were in a very doubtable situation, for sure we couldn't say we were just chatting-.
BR and Hoodie then looked at us, Ems had her mask on but Hoodie didn't, both of their eyes widened and looked at us shocked. I looked at Tim then at BR.

"It n-not what it l-l-looks l-like-"

But I was soon cut off by her and Hoodie jumping up and start screaming. Ok now I was confused.


BR yelled then soon joined by Hoodie


Both me and Masky looked at them in confusion. Then as quick as they got in they vanished running downstairs.
I heard Tim sight and saw him shake his head.

"Well the mood's ruined now thanks to those 2 fuckers..."

I chuckled and leaned against his bare chest.

"L-let's just c-cuddle t-t-then"

He sighted then smiled softly at me as we hugged each other and cuddled together.

Destined Together (TicciMask - Ticci Toby x Masky) Where stories live. Discover now