Chapter Twenty-Eight: An Idea

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(Mayumi's POV)

     I was so annoyed with both Kakashi and Rin. How could they be so focused on the situation between the three of us, when there were multiple children who were being tortured both physically and mentally? I groaned as I headed to my quarters. I knew part of me took this fight personally, because of my father being the villain in this situation.

   I thought I knew the type of person my father was, I have vague memories of my father from when I was a child. He spent most of his time at work, or training fellow clan members. He never really spent time with my mother and I. It broke my heart to learn of the man he truly was. When I was a child I was taught to look up to my father. He was our clan leader, as well as one of the founding members of the highly regarded Anbu Black Ops, A organization of highly skilled ninja who work for the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

   I decided that I'd go for a jog, hoping to clear my mind in order to prepare myself for this. I wasn't one hundred percent sure that I could even defeat my father. The uncertain feeling raging throughout my body made me feel like I was going to puke.

    I began to run, not really caring where I ended up. I just needed a moment to think clearly. I jogged through the village, the cold fall air gently brushing against my face. I made it to a hill towards the end of the leaf village. It was a small hill that overlooked the entire village. On top of the small grass hill stood a very old, beautiful cherry blossom tree with a single park bench underneath the tangled tree branches.

     The chilly fall breeze made my long white hair dance in the wind. I sighed deeply, doing the best I could to let go of the anxiety that was slowly eating me alive. The sound of rustling leaves pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see a pair of dark bushy eyebrows that belonged to none other than Might Guy.

    "Hello, young Mayumi. May I join you?" He asked as he motioned to the free space next to me on the bench. I nodded softly, giving him permission to sit down. Guy sighed deeply as he crossed his leg over his knee.

    "I know this situation must be hard on you, but don't forget you have the power of youth on your side!" Guy cheerfully stated, causing me to instinctively roll my eyes.

    "Look Guy, I appreciate the gesture but I'm not looking for happy go lucky bullshit right now..." I muttered, leaning back into the hard wooden park bench. Guy chuckled softly as he nodded.

    "Okay, l get it now. You're a lot like him you know." Guy commented, causing one of my slender eyebrows to raise in curiosity.

    "I take it you're referring to Kakashi?" I questioned. Might Guy and Kakashi were childhood rivals, even though Kakashi barely paid Guy any mind. It was more of a one sided ordeal.

    "Yes I am referring to him. No matter how big of a smile he has under that mask, he's always hiding pain behind his eyes. You're the same way Mayumi. I know this situation is extremely hard for you, but if you want to save those kids and stop your father, you're going to have to face him yourself." Guy explained.

    "I know that much. I just have to figure out a way to defeat him..." I groaned as I rubbed the side of my temple with my fingertips. Guy leaned back into the park bench, releasing a deep sigh from his chest.

    "It'll come to you, don't worry. You'll figure something out." Guy tried to reassure me. I nodded and stood back up.

      "I know I will, I just hope that I figure something out soon." I looked out at the view of the village before us. The sunset danced on the rooftops as the village was bustling with people trying to get home for dinner.

     Suddenly the sound of a hawk flying towards us pulled my attention away from the view. I held my arm out so the messenger hawk could land safely. The hawk's sharp talons gripped my forearm as I looked down at the hawk's talon, noticing a small rolled up piece of paper attached to the hawk. I carefully detached the note and smiled as I reached up and pet the hawks head carefully. "Thank you little guy, you can go home now." I stated as I released the hawk.

    "Is that what I think it is?" Guy asked as he stood up from the park bench and approached me from behind. I took a deep breath and stared down at the maroon cloud symbol that sealed the scroll. I nodded slowly and carefully slid my finger underneath the seal, breaking it in half. I unraveled the scroll, revealing a short message:


Everything is ready. Seven in total. Will meet at Mount Myoboku during the first snowfall. Find me when it's time.


   I rolled the scroll back up and quickly put it in my pocket. I turned to face Guy, who looked a bit nervous. I smiled and placed my hand on his shoulder as I nodded.

  "It'll be alright Guy. Please ask Kakashi to meet me at the training field as soon as possible." I instructed as I began heading towards the training field myself. I may have just thought of a way to win this, but I knew I would need Kakashi's help.

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