Chapter Nineteen: Confession

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  (Mayumi's POV)

   "Are we almost there Kakashi?" I asked, following Kakashi for what felt like forever. His hand held mine gently, his touch made my heart race. 

  "We're here." He spoke softly as we reached a mountain on the outskirts of the village. On the top of the hill stood a large blossoming cherry tree. The soft pink petals matched the blush appearing on my cheeks as my eyes widened. The lights of the village at night sparkled like stars in the sky. It was one of the most breathtaking sights I had ever seen. 

  "'s beautiful." I muttered, taken aback by the sight. Kakashi stood next to me and smiled gently as he turned to face me, keeping my fingers intertwined with his. A deep breath escaped Kakashi as I focused on Kakashi, instead of the beautiful sight before me.

  "Mayumi...I brought you here for a reason.." he spoke softly as my soft green eyes inspected the details in Kakashi's onyx eyes.

    "What is it, Kakashi?" I asked. I was pretty sure I knew where I stood with Kakashi. "If this is about the kiss before, I realized that it's not what you wanted. I understand, sometimes things happen in the heat of the moment. I don't blame you." I added. Before I could continue my tangent Kakashi pulled his mask down with one hand, and pulled me close with the other. Our faces were only inches apart as my face deceived me. I wanted to act strong, in order to protect myself from getting hurt again. But with Kakashi, it felt like it was impossible. 

   "Mayumi...I can't pretend anymore.." he whispered, causing my heart to stop in its tracks.

    "W-What do you m-mean?" I muttered as Kakashi placed his forehead against mine. 

    "Let me show you..." he answered as he closed the gap between us. Our lips danced against each other, one of Kakashi's arms wrapped around my waist while the other one was placed softly against my cheek. I opened my mouth softly, allowing Kakashi's tongue to explore the inside of my mouth as I tangled my fingertips into his soft spiky silver hair. A moan escaped my lips as he pulled away, leaving me breathless.

  "Mayumi...I've been thinking about this for what has felt like eternity now. I feel like such an idiot. I'm in love with you Mayumi, and I'm mad that I've wasted so much time trying to figure that out when it was right in front of my face. You're special Mayumi, I've known this since I first met you. You light a fire under my ass to be better. Mayumi I know I've sent you mixed signals, but you make me feel things I've never felt before. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life... please Mayumi...give me a chance." Kakashi admitted. My eyes widened as I looked up at Kakashi. Everything in my body screamed to kiss Kakashi again, but for some reason my body didn't move.

    "Kakashi..." I muttered, my mind suddenly racing with thoughts of Kakashi's confession as well as Rin's. "If you've had feelings for me for a while, why didn't you say something sooner? Like when we kissed the first time?" I questioned. Kakashi brushed my bottom lip with his thumb, sending a bolt of electricity through my veins.

   "I'm an idiot when it comes to things like this Mayumi. It took me sitting down with Iruka to finally realize how in love with you I am." Kakashi stated as I looked down at the ground and sighed. A huge part of me wanted to pull Kakashi towards me and kiss him, the other was extremely confused about my feelings. Both Kakashi and Rin confessed their feelings to me in a matter of a day.

   "Kakashi... where is all of this coming from? I feel like I have whiplash." I admitted as Kakashi sighed, pulling his mask up as he did. 

   "I'm sorry for making you feel that way Mayumi, but I'm being honest with you right now. I'm so in love with you Mayumi I feel stupid for wasting this much time fighting with myself about it." Kakashi spoke softly. I reached up and pulled Kakashi's hand off of my cheek. 

     "I would be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for you too, Kakashi...but I need time to think.." I muttered. Kakashi nodded softly as he brushed a strand of my white hair behind my ear, his touch making my skin feel hot. 

    "I'm not giving up on you Mayumi, no matter how much time you take. I'll be here waiting for you. Because I know we belong together." Kakashi stated confidentially. I bit my plump lower lip as I looked up at him. 

  "Take all of the time you need Mayumi, because I'm here. I refuse to give up without a fight." Kakashi added as I smiled slightly and blushed. 

   "I'm leaving tomorrow after training for my mission. Can we talk more about this when I return?" I asked as he nodded. 

   "I can wait but, if it's okay with you once you're back from the mission I would like to take you out for dinner." He asked. The mental image of Kakashi dressed up for a date made me weak in the knees as I smirked and giggled.

    "A date?" I repeated as he smirked and nodded, leaning in so his lips were at my ear. 

   "I'd like to show you what I'm truly capable of. I intend on making you mine Mayumi, in every way possible." He whispered, his voice and warm breath sent shivers straight down my spine as a bright pink blush spread across my cheeks.

   "O-Okay...A date." I agreed to his offer. He leaned up straight and smiled as he brushed the bottom of my chin with his fingertip. 

  "Good. Well we should get going, we have training early in the morning." Kakashi let go of my face and reached down and grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips as he kissed my knuckles softly. "I'll be awaiting your answer once you return from your mission." Kakashi added as I nodded, knowing I had a lot to think over before I returned.

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