Chapter Fiften: Love

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(Kakashi's POV)

       I'm such an idiot. Why every time an opportunity comes along to get closer to Mayumi, I use that chance to push us farther apart. A deep groan escaped me as I slowly closed my front door shut. That whole encounter with Mayumi turned out into a mess. I was able to break the seal that was placed on her thankfully, but that was basically the only good thing I did that whole time. I pulled my face covering down, exposing my whole face as I ran my hands through my hair, yet another sigh left my lungs as I slowly walked over to my large grey couch.

    I slumped into the deep grey couch cushions, hoping something would come to me that could get me out of the situation I had just put myself in. The deep blush and soft lips that belonged to Mayumi played in my mind as I sighed, what I would do to feel her hands laced into my hair, her gentle yet passionate lips against mine. It felt like my heart skipped a beat as I placed my hands on my face. I was being honest when I told Mayumi that I had never had another woman in my home. I hadn't even thought of another woman romantically before, I mean besides when i was a kid.

     I glanced over at the calendar on the wall, noticing that I had scheduled a training tomorrow morning for team seven. I smiled slightly, realizing that if we had training tomorrow that meant I'd have a chance to see Mayumi and apologize for what happened. I pulled myself out of the couch cushions and walked over to the calendar, touching the paper softly with my fingertips as I tapped tomorrow's date. The sound of a knocking on my front door caused me to jump out of my skin.

    I pulled my face mask back up and walked over to the front door and opened it, seeing one of my fellow Anbu Squad leaders standing in front of me. I raised one of my eyebrows as I glanced over at the clock on the side of the wall. 

   "Matsuoka? What are you doing here at this hour?" I questioned as he bowed politely, his violet red hair framed his chiseled jaw as he stood up and held out a red and green scroll, with the Anbu's seal on it. I took the scroll and opened it as Matsuoka spoke.

     "Sir, I apologize for bothering you late at night. Lord Kaneko ordered for some of the Anbu members to head out on a mission. He told me to deliver this scroll to you." Matsuoka explained as I sighed and broke the seal, opening the delicate scroll as I read the contents. My eyes widened when I looked at the roster of Anbu members who would be attending the mission. 

   "Why would Lord Kaneko assign Mayumi to a mission like this? Lord Hokage approved of this?" I questioned, feeling a tinge of annoyance slowly start to build inside of me. Matsuoka nodded and smiled, his sharp teeth exposed as he spoke. 

   "Lord Hokage agreed due to the level of difficulty. He stated for a mission this important that we needed someone with Mayumi's talent and experience." Matsuoka explained as another sigh escaped me. I knew Mayumi could handle things on her own, but the thought of not being allowed to be with her incase of an emergency made me begin to panic.

   "Don't worry sir, I'll be going along with her. You have nothing to worry about." Matsuoka stated confidently. Rin Matsuoka joined the Anbu Black ops when he was twenty years old. He is a Jonin who specializes in intel and negotiation.

    "Keep an eye on her for me, will you?" I asked as a deep sigh escaped me. I quickly gave up the idea of trying to put a stop to this, I knew it would be stupid of me to even try to stop her from going. Rin nodded and turned to walk away, having an odd smirk on his face. I closed the front door and leaned against it.

      An intel and survey mission should be easy enough, right? Questions like those and many more flooded my mind as I grabbed my coat off of the hanger by the door and left, making a last second decision to take a walk. The breezy night air made my fingertips slightly cold. The normally busy streets of Konoha were pretty empty, as most people were in bed by that time. I shoved my hands in my pockets and sighed as my gaze drifted to the glowing sign of a nearby inn. I looked up to notice one of the front windows on the second floor were lit up. Something in me made me stop walking and watch, as a slim gorgeous female figure came into eyesight.

     Suddenly a deep blush appeared on my face as I finally realized who the petite yet toned female body belonged to, Mayumi. Mayumi's long damp white hair cascaded down her back as she used a towel to dry off the ends of her hair. The moonlight danced across the exposed skin of her shoulders and neck, causing my heart and mind to begin racing with thoughts of her. She had her back turned, her Anbu black ops tattoo coming into vision as her head jerked up slightly. After a second or two she threw the towel down and disappeared from my line of sight.  I placed my hands on my forehead and sighed deeply. 

    "Well Kakashi, I think you may be in love." A voice quickly made my skin crawl as I turned around and saw the gentle smile of my fellow comrade Iruka.

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