Chapter Nine: Dinner

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(Kakashi's POV)

    I leaned against the wall outside of the room as what just happened replayed in my mind on a loop. I sighed deeply as I shook my head quickly. That was just me doing my job as her superior...Right?" There was no way in hell I could have feelings for someone like Mayumi. I took a deep breath, recollecting my composure as I fixed my forest green vest and began walking down the hall.

Get yourself together Kakashi! You need to stay focused. Now, let's go to this dinner invitation and then we will worry about the curse seal on Mayumi's breast.

  I could feel my cheeks burning underneath my mask as images of what happened flashed in my mind. My body had moved before I could think. I still can't believe that I touched her...there... I sighed deeply again, continuing my walk through the extremely large Sato estate. My mind aimlessly raced with thoughts of Mayumi as I headed to my dinner date with Yumiko.

    I still for the life of me could not figure out why I was going to this dinner date in the first place. I mean Yumiko was very beautiful but, she was not really my type. I sighed deeply and rubbed the bridge of my nose as I finally arrived to the huge white with gold trimming door of Yumiko's quarters. I knocked on the door reluctantly, quickly being greeted by one of the Sato family's maids.

    The female with bright blue eyes and short blonde hair bowed when she fully opened the door. I nodded and smiled as I walked into the room. The large room was decorated in red, crisp white and gold. The design of the room definitely screamed nobility. I walked over to the dining room, where Yumiko sat at the head of a large mahogany table. Her delicate frame was covered in a royal ruby red and gold trimmed kimono. Her long black hair was straight down her back as her violet eyes met mine.

    "I wasn't sure if you were actually going to come, but I'm glad you did." She spoke softly as she motioned for me to sit in the chair next to her. After sitting down I was approached by a maid who had a jar of sake in her hand. I nodded as she began pouring me a small glass of sake. 

    "What do you mean?" I questioned, bringing the cup of sake to my lips. 

    "Well, I know you're a very busy man..." she spoke softly as I tasted the harsh sake coat my taste buds.

"I may be a busy man, but I keep my word." I explained as she smiled and giggled softly.

   "So, when will you be returning to the Leaf Village?" Yumiko questioned as I ran my left hand through my spiky white hair. 

    "Soon, probably tomorrow morning." I stated as her gentle smile quickly changed to a pout. 

     "Oh, that's a shame. I was hoping to spend more time with you." Yumiko admitted as my eyes widened a bit. I chuckled awkwardly as I finished my cup of sake.

   "Well, I appreciate the kind gesture but we have to get back to the Leaf to complete our mission." I explained as Yumiko sighed. After a few moments of peace, Yumiko leaned forward closing the gap between us. My dark eyes met hers as she brought her face inches from mine.

    "Y-Yumiko?" I muttered nervously as I felt her hands graze my thigh. 

     "Kakashi, I want to be with you..." she whispered, causing chills to run down my spine. Suddenly images of Mayumi flashed in my mind as I took a deep breath and recollected myself. 

     "Yumiko, I'm sorry.." I whispered, causing her to stop in her tracks. Her bright green eyes looked down at the ground as she pulled away from me.

     "May I ask why?" Yumiko mumbled, her voice sounding defeated. A deep breath escaped my lips as I stood up and sat the bright white linen napkin onto the table. 

   "I don't have an answer for you Yumiko. Something in me is telling me that this isn't right..." I explained, knowing it was a horrible excuse, but it's the only way I knew how to explain what was going through my mind. Yumiko nodded in defeat and looked up at me. She nodded at me when our eyes met, making me feel like more of an asshole then I already was. I sighed deeply and turned to the door, heading out to go to my room.

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