Chapter Two: Team Seven

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(Mayumi's POV)

     I reluctantly walked to the entrance of the training field. Every fiber of my being was telling me to turn around and go back home. Unfortunately I knew that was not an option for me. 

  "Why does Kakashi-Sensei tell us to be here so early when he's always late?!" The annoying voice of a small pink haired kunoichi made my ears ring. I sighed deeply as I approached the three Genin who I could only assume were Kakashi's students.

 "So he's late, figures." I scoffed and rolled my bright green eyes.

 "Who are you?" The shortest one of them all, a blonde haired boy wearing a bright orange jumpsuit questioned me. I rubbed the bridge of my nose, doing the best I could to not become annoyed. 

  "My names Mayumi. I'm supposed to be working with Kakashi." I explained as the dark haired boy with matching dark eyes scoffed.

 "So, they asked a Chunin to help Kakashi?" He chuckled, causing a smirk to appear on my lips. 

  "Isn't it weird?" I spoke sarcastically, deciding to play along with the dark haired boy's delusions. Suddenly Kakashi appeared behind me, causing me to jump a little.

 "Good morning everyone! Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the path of life." Kakashi spoke softly, causing the rest of us to groan.

 "Kakashi-Sensi! I have a question." The pink haired girl raised her hand as she spoke. Kakashi tilted his head slightly and smiled. 

  "Yes, Sakura?" His voice was gentle and sweet, causing me to relax slightly. 

  "So, why do you have a Chunin here to help you today?" I bit my lower lip and chuckled as Sakura finished speaking. Kakashi sighed deeply and looked down at me, his eyes instantly becoming stern.

  "You told them you were a Chunin?" He asked as I shrugged. 

 "No, actually I didn't. They assumed I was, and I just didn't correct them." I explained. Kakashi rolled his eyes and placed his hand on my shoulder. 

 "Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, This is Mayumi Kaneko. She is a Jonin and member of the Anbu Black Ops. She will be job shadowing me for a while." Kakashi explained as my gaze shifted to the three Genin. Naruto's eyes widened in excitement as Sasuke rolled his eyes and turned his back towards us.

   "Woah! So you're on the same level as Kakashi-Sensei!? That's awesome!!" He laughed as Sakura looked from me to Sasuke and back. Sasuke rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. 

   "Well now that the formalities are over with, let's get to today's missions." Kakashi pulled out a list from his pocket and quickly scanned the paper. "We could help Mr. Shou with his roof, take Mrs. Garin to the grocery store or walk Mrs. Hans dogs again." Kakashi explained as everyone collectively groaned.

"Come on Kakashi- Sensi! I want to go on a real mission!" Naruto whined as I chuckled slightly. Kakashi's gaze met mine, instantly causing me to look away. 

   "What is so funny, Mayumi?" Kakashi question as I did the best I could to not laugh. 

 "I mean, they do sound like pretty dumb missions." I stated as Kakashi sighed deeply. 

 "You're only Genin. Therefore, you can only do D and C rank missions." Kakashi explained as Sasuke shrugged.

   "Not like these missions are going to teach us anything..." Sasuke mumbled, causing me to laugh again. After completing the days missions, it was finally time to head home. I walked through the busy streets of Konoha. I reached up and untied the hair tie that was holding my off white hair up. My long strands of hair cascaded down my back as I ran my hands through my hair and sighed, trying to unwind from today on my way home.

   "I've never seen you with your hair down before, it's quite a look." A familiar voice sent chills down my spine as I looked behind me. Kakashi took a few steps forward as he smiled. 

"I'm done for the day, aren't I?" I questioned him, curious as to why he was following me. 

  "Yes, you are. But a piece of advice for tomorrow." Kakashi spoke softly, his dark eyes examining every feature of my face. "I know the missions I have been accepting for Team Seven have been boring and uneventful but, they aren't ready for a serious mission yet." He explained as I shrugged.

  "It's your team Kakashi so, it's your decision to make not mine." I sighed as I continued to walk to my house. 

   "I know it is, but at some point these are decisions that you will have to make as well." His words caused me to stop walking for a moment. I turned to face him, my bright green eyes never leaving his as I spoke. 

    "I don't even want to be a squad leader Kakashi. So, whatever happens doesn't matter to me. I just want to get back to my job." I explained as I went to turn around. Before I could Kakashi grabbed my wrist and stopped me in my tracks.

    "Stop lying to yourself Mayumi. You're not the type of person to want to kill people for a living." Kakashi whispered, his voice sounding more serious then before. I pulled my wrist from his grasp, keeping my gaze in front of me.

     "Like I said before Kakashi, you know nothing about me." I stated coldly. I began to walk again but this time, Kakashi did not follow me.

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