Chapter Fourteen: Embaressment

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(Mayumi's POV)

     The sound of heavy rain crashing against the window slowly pulled me from my slumber. My bright green eyes fluttered open, the memories from last night flooded my mind as I sat up, the blanket that was once covering me slipped off of my chest, leaving me fully exposed. My cheeks flushed bright red as I covered my chest with my hands. I scanned the room, trying to find my top. It was a basic bedroom, with one bed, a desk and chair, a large bookshelf, and a closet. Only one picture from when Kakashi was younger was in his room. I located my top on the floor in front of the bookshelf. I sighed deeply and quickly grabbed my top, pulling the soft cotton fabric over my torso. My gaze quickly fixated on the large collection of books in front of me. I reached up and pulled out one of the small orange books that were lined up with the rest.

    "Hmmm..." I muttered as I looked at the front and back cover.

    "I see you found my collection...Good to see you awake, Mayumi." Kakashi's voice startled me, causing me to drop the book onto the hardwood floor. 

   "O-Oh Good morning Kakashi..." I muttered, an awkward feeling washed over me in an instant. 

    "How are you feeling?" He asked as he took a few steps towards me. 

   "I'm alright, thanks to you.." I mumbled as I placed the book carefully back onto the shelf. "Quite the collection you have here." I added as he chuckled softly and nodded.

   "I don't think anyone has seen my book collection before." Kakashi admitted as I rolled my eyes and smirked. 

    "Yeah right, so you mean to tell me the women you bring back to your place have never seen your collection?" I joked, causing Kakashi to spin me around towards him by my shoulder and slam me into the wall. His arms were on the wall on each side of my head. My cheeks turned bright red as he leaned his face towards mine.

    "I've never had a woman in my house before.." Kakashi admitted, his voice causing me to shiver. 

   "Really? No one? That's hard to believe." I scoffed, trying to play off the fact that my heart was racing out of my chest. Kakashi leaned forward, closing the gap between our faces as our lips were only inches apart.

    "No one..." He whispered as he quickly pulled away. Something finally snapped in me as I clenched my fists, watching him turn and begin heading for the door. 

   "W-What do you want Kakashi?" I muttered, placing my hand over my chest as my cheeks were flushed. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me, his eyes widening as he looked at me. 

   "What do you mean, what do I want?" He questioned, walking back to where he stood before he had pushed me against the wall. I gulped, feeling my nerves begin to take over as I bit my lower lip.

     "W-With me....What do you want with me?" I asked. After a few agonizing moments of silence Kakashi sighed deeply. 

    "What I want and what needs to be done are two different things Mayumi..." Kakashi explained as he sat down on the edge of his decently sized bed. 

   "What do you mean Kakashi? I don't understand you at all..." My gaze shifted to the floor as I spoke. 

    "It does not matter what I mean Mayumi, things have already gone too far." He stated. His words caused my eyes to widen in shock, as the images of his lips crashing against mine flashed in my head. Was that his way of telling me he regretted kissing me that night? 

    "I'm sorry for staying longer then welcome...I'll be going now..." I muttered as I quickly grabbed my jacket and shoes. 

  "Mayumi, you don't have to rush off... I didn't mean what you think." He explained, but at this point not only did I have a hurt sense of pride, I also had an aching heart. I shook my head and slid my shoes on as well as my jacket. Everything in my body was telling me to escape while I could, before my heart and feelings took anymore damage.  

   "No, Kakashi don't worry about it. Thank you again for helping me with the seal." I bowed politely and opened his front door as I finished my sentence. Before he could say anything else I turned and left his house. A heavy rain poured down in Konoha as I walked the normally busy streets. With no place to stay I knew I needed to find something quickly. The flashing sign of a nearby inn caught my attention as I    walking inside and shivered. The shabby inn was small, yet had a quaint charm to it. An older gentleman stood at the welcome desk as he smiled.


   "Why Good evening Miss, how may I help you today?" The mans voice for some reason had a calming effect on me. A deep breath escaped my lips as I smiled politely and walked over to the front desk. 

    "Do you have any rooms available?" I asked, the mans gentle brown eyes looked at my face for a moment and then down at a book. He nodded and smiled, pulling out a key with the numbers 405 on it.

   "We do, here you go miss. If you have any questions feel free to ask me." The man stated as I nodded and handed him some money. After finding the room I'd be staying I sighed deeply, closing the door behind myself and collapsing onto the bed.

    "I don't understand..." I mumbled as I closed my eyes and hoped to forget about the embarrassment that was slowly beginning to consuming me.

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