Chapter Five: Itatchi Uchiha

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(Mayumi/ Kakashi's POV)

       "Join you? Like hell I ever would." I hissed as I lunged towards the mysterious man. My kunai clashed loudly against the kunai he quickly pulled out. His bright red eyes glared at mine as his deep voice whispered in my ear. 

    "The Leaf Village is just using you... to them you are just a tool." He explained as I scoffed, pushing towards him more as I smirked. 

   "Sounds like that is exactly what you want me for too." I growled, my neon green eyes looking around him for all of the routes I could take in this situation. No routes appeared that would lead in his death, so I instantly knew this was a man I could not defeat.  

   "Who are you.." I whispered as the man pushed against my kunai, knocking one of them out of my hand. The man used his free hand to stab a kunai into my thigh, causing me to gasp in shock. He grabbed me by my throat, lifting me off of the ground. I struggled against his grip as he pulled the other kunai out of my hand and threw it onto the ground.

   "You will join us one day Mayumi. Until then, take this as a parting gift." Four of his fingertips began to glow a bright purple. In an instant he forcefully pushed his hand onto my chest, causing me to scream in agony. My eyes quickly changed back to what they normally looked like. I felt a lot of my chakra get sucked into my chest. 

"MAYUMI!" Kakashi's voice was all I heard as everything faded to black.


    Seeing Mayumi unconscious in the mans grasp made rage rapidly build inside of me. I lifted my headband up, exposing my Sharingan eye. The man threw Mayumi's unconscious body to the ground as I quickly ran towards the man. My body moved as quickly as It could, catching Mayumi before she hit the ground. I held Mayumi close to me as I pulled out a poison dipped kunai. The man's eyes met mine as my eyes widened in shock. 

  "What are you doing here...Itachi." I hissed, jumping back a bit with Mayumi in my arms to put some distance between us. Itachi smirked as he looked at Mayumi. 

   "That is none of your concern, Kakashi." He spoke as I clenched my fist. 

  "Let Mayumi know, we will be awaiting her decision." Itatchi spoke as he disappeared. I sighed deeply and picked Mayumi up, heading back to where I told Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke to hide with Yumiko. 

  "Kakashi-Sensei! What happened?!" Sakura asked, her voice coated in fear as I gently laid Mayumi's unconscious body in front of me.  

   "Sakura, get in my bag and get out bandages and the healing ointment that I brought along." I instructed as she nodded and began searching through my bag.

    "Oh my, is she going to be okay?" Yumiko asked as she sat between Naruto and Sasuke. I took out a kunai from my pouch and cut her pants leg up to the middle of her thigh. The skin on her thighs were covered in a bunch of dark symbols. I had heard previously that the Kaneko clan was known for using runes, an ancient type of jutsu in order to perform their silent killing techniques. I had never seen the runes up close before now though. Sakura handed me the bandages and ointment as I took a deep breath, pulling out the kunai imbedded in her thigh. Her deep red blood began to slowly escape her wound as I cleaned and bandaged the wound. 

    "How long do you think she will be unconscious?" Sasuke asked, actually showing a bit of concern on his face. I sighed deeply and looked at everyone. 

   "I'm not sure, but we need to continue our mission and get Ms. Sato to her home." I stated as everyone nodded. After a few moments I put Mayumi on my back, holding her by her ass as I stood up.

  "Who threw the shuriken anyways?" Naruto questioned as I sighed. The man who attacked Mayumi was Itatchi Uchiha, Sasuke's older brother. The same man who murdered everyone in Sasuke's clan. I knew if I was honest with them it would send Sasuke in a furry. 

   "I'm not sure, I got there after the person had already left." I sighed as we began to resume our journey. 

   "I feel so bad that she got hurt because of me." Yumiko sighed, keeping close to me.

    "Don't worry, Ms. Yumiko. None of this is your fault." I explained calmly as we walked through the forest. Mayumi was still passed out in my arms when we finally reached the Village hidden in the rain. Just like the name suggested, as soon as we got near the gates a heavy rain began to pour down. Once we entered the village we were met by Yumiko's servants.

     "Here sir, we will take her." They offered, as I shook my head. 

   "No, I got her. Thank you though." I stated as I flipped Mayumi's unconscious body around mine, now holding her in my arms in front of me. After a short carriage ride we arrived at the Sato estate. Three large buildings were surrounded by massive stone gates. Once inside, Yumiko's servants showed us to our quarters. Yumiko placed her hand on my arm, pulling my attention to her.

   "Why don't you let our healers take care of her. You and the rest of your squad can stay here however long you need." Yumiko offered as I nodded.

   "Thank you for the warm welcome. I'll stay with Mayumi though..." I mumbled, honestly worried that she hadn't woken up yet. Yumiko sighed and nodded as her kind violet eyes studied mine.

 "I will have someone notify you once dinner is ready, you all need to eat." Yumiko stated as I nodded. 

  "Kakashi-Sensei, will Mayumi be okay?" Sakura asked as I walked into a room and laid Mayumi on the large queen sized bed. 

  "She should be...why don't you three go change into warm clothes and relax. I'll notify you all once she wakes up." I stated as they all nodded and went their separate ways, leaving Mayumi and I alone in the room.

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