Chapter Eleven: Spider Lilly

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(Kakashi's POV)

      After we reported the mission to the Hokage most of us went our separate ways. I decided I'd go with Mayumi to her family's estate, despite her countless denials. I quickly went home and changed into my Anbu Black Ops uniform, the dark black fabric cling to my biceps as I grabbed my Anbu mask and quickly left my home. The Kaneko estate was located towards the left side of the village. The large estate was surrounded by huge red and gold walls, the entrance guarded by three guards. I smiled and waved at them as I approached the entrance.

    "Oi! Kakashi it's been a while!" One of the guards, Rindo smiled and waved back as I handed them my Anbu ID card. 

    "It has been a while. May I ask, is Mayumi here?" I asked questioned as Rindo nodded, handing me my ID back. After quickly shoving it into my pocket Rindo sighed. 

   "Yes, Lady Kaneko did arrive home a little while ago. But something about her seemed off." Rindo's voice trailed off as I raised an eyebrow.

    "Really? What do you mean?" I asked, becoming more worried about Mayumi as the minutes passed. 

    "She was very quiet, which isn't like her." He explained as I sighed deeply. 

   "Do you have any idea where she may be?" I asked again, hoping they wouldn't think it was too odd. 

    "Hold on, I'll find out." Rindo stated as he placed his finger onto his ear and spoke. 

    "Do we have eyes on the princess?" His normal cheerful voice changed when he asked about her whereabouts. After nodding a few times he looked up at me and smiled.

    "Lady Mayumi is in her quarters, getting dressed for her meeting with her father." He explained as I nodded. 

    "Good luck with your visit, Kakashi." Rindo smiled as I nodded again and headed into the estate. I walked the long hallways for a few minutes, till I arrived at the door of Mayumi's quarters. A deep breath escaped my lips as I knocked on the door a few times. The door opened and I was met with a pair of matching black eyes. Two small girls, wearing maid outfits greeted me at the door. 

    "Yui, Yuko who is there?" Mayumi's familiar voice called out from the other room as one of the maids walked over to the entrance of the other room and spoke softly. 

   "Commander Kakashi Hatake is here, Lady Mayumi." The girl stated, her short black hair framed her petite face. A deep sigh was heard from the other room as Mayumi walked out. She wore an elegant black kimono with deep red spider lilies embroidered down the the silk fabric. Her long white hair was pulled up into a formal bun, a black and red hair pin kept her hair from moving out of place. A deep red blush crawled across my cheeks, thankfully my mask hid most of it as Mayumi put her hands on her curvy hips. 

    "I thought I told you not to come here, Kakashi." Mayumi glared at me as I shrugged. 

   "You may have, but I told you I was coming anyways." I stated as she deeply sighed and rolled her eyes.  

    "Lady Mayumi, let us finish getting you ready." The maid with long black hair that was pulled into two twin tails instructed as Mayumi nodded.

     "Fine Yuko." Mayumi huffed as she looked over at Yui, the other maid. "Please fix Kakashi a cup of tea." Mayumi ordered as Yui bowed and went to get me a cup of hot jasmine tea.

     "So, you're actually a good host." I joked, causing her to furrow her brows. Yuko placed a elegant ruby and diamond necklace around her neck, clasping it with ease as Mayumi glanced at me through the large mirror in front of her. I took the few moments of silence to examine every inch of her beautiful face. It was like everything around me stopped. My heart began to race as my eyes drifted from her breath taking eyes, to her alluring plump lips. Yuko skillfully painted Mayumi's lips a deep red as I finally snapped back into reality. I adverted my gaze as Yuko finished her work. Yui placed a delicate China tea cup in front of me as I smiled gently at her.

      "Why are you here, Kakashi? Really, what is your motive?" Mayumi asked, motioning for the twins to leave. Once they were gone and the door was closed behind us my body decided to move on it's on. I closed the gap between us and wrapped one of my arms around Mayumi's waist. Her beautiful pale face suddenly turned red as our faces were inches apart. 

    "K-Kakashi?!" She muttered. I couldn't pin point why I suddenly grabbed ahold of her. My heart was racing a mile a minute as I gazed into her gorgeous eyes. 

    "For once in your life...shut the fuck up." I whispered as I pulled my mask down and pulled my lips to hers. I expected her to fight against me, instead she opened her mouth and tangled her fingertips in my hair. Her tongue tasted sweet as I grabbed her waist and kabedoned her against the wall. A moan escaped her begging lips as I pulled away. My dark eyes looked at her, noticing the deep pink blush creeping across her cheeks. 

   "I'm sorry..." I muttered, my mind finally catching up with my body. She quickly shook her head, giving me the most innocent and lewd look I've ever seen.

   "P-Please...D-Don't stop.." she panted breathlessly. Just as I was about to kiss her again, a loud knock was heard from the door. The sound made both Mayumi and I jump out of our skins. 

   "W-Who is it?" Mayumi stuttered as the faint voice of Yuko was heard through the door. 

   "Lady Mayumi, your father is ready to see you." She stated. The atmosphere in the room instantly changed as Mayumi stood straight up, quickly adjusted her kimono and lipstick, then headed to the door. Before she opened the door she stopped, turning her head to the side as she spoke. 

   "Are you coming?" She questioned, her voice sounding completely different from a few seconds before. I pulled my mask back over my face and nodded, deciding to keep quiet as I followed her to her fathers meeting hall.

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