Chapter Twenty: Return Home

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(Kakashi's POV)

     The three weeks that Mayumi was gone slowly dragged on. I didn't feel like myself without her near me. I looked down at my watch, waiting by the village gate for Mayumi and her team to return home. I soft chuckle escaped the mouth of one of my fellow comrades, Izumo who was on guard duty for the gate to and from the Hidden Leaf Village.

"That's the third time in the last two minutes that you've looked at your watch. Don't worry she will be here." Izumo spoke as I rolled my eyes.

  "I know she will be, I just was curious as to what time it was." I explained, doing my best to play it off. Izumo shrugged and chuckled again.

"Sure you were, Kakashi." He mumbled as a group of three people slowly came into view. My eyes widened as I saw the state that the three were in. Everyone was covered in blood, cuts and bruises. Rin walked behind everyone with someone on his back. My eyes instantly looked past everyone else straight to Mayumi. Her long white hair was stained with a dark substance. Her normally bright eyes looked dull. I quickly walked over to the group as Rin sighed.

"Kakashi Sir, we completed this mission...but..." Rin began to explain as Mayumi kept walking. She didn't speak a word to anyone as she continued to walk. I caught her by her wrist before she could leave.

  "Mayumi, speak to me. What happened?" I asked as she pulled her arm away quickly and continued walking again. I looked back at Rin and then to Mayumi as I spoke.

"Rin, I suggest you tell me what happened on that mission RIGHT NOW." I stated, my voice laced with authority. Rin sighed deeply as he looked around. Rin leaned towards me and whispered in my ear.

"It's not something we can speak about in the open, Sir." He admitted as my eyes widened a bit. I nodded as I looked at Don, who was unconscious on Rin's back.

  "Take Don to the hospital. I'll go get Mayumi. Meet me at my house in half an hour." I instructed as Rin and their other team member, Natsuo, nodded. I quickly turned and followed the direction that Mayumi was heading towards. The streets were crowded with villagers going on with their day. I scanned the crowd, trying to find the gorgeous girl who had stolen my heart.

   "Mayumi?!" I yelled, but no one answered. I sighed deeply just as I caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye. I quickly veered right to follow Mayumi down the alley she had quickly gone into. I finally grabbed a hold of her and pushed her against the wall. Her eyes stayed locked with mine as I leaned forward.

"Mayumi talk to me, what is going on!" I asked, only becoming more and more concerned as the time passed.

"It doesn't matter Kakashi...I'll take care of it." Mayumi muttered as she turned her face to the side. It wasn't like Mayumi to act like this, something seriously wrong must have happened during the mission, but what could it be. I reached up and slowly touched Mayumi's cheek.

"You're not taking care of anything alone. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I stated as her beautiful green eyes flashed to mine.

   "What do you think you can POSSIBLY do Kakashi?! You have no IDEA what happened!" She yelled, finally showing some sort of emotion. Her bright green eyes flashed from their normal color, to the neon green they turned when her Kekei Genkai was activated. I sighed deeply and kept her against the wall. It didn't matter to me how bad the situation was, I wasn't going to let Mayumi do anything alone anymore.

"If you tell me what happened Mayumi,  I can help you. I'm the commander of the Anbu Black Ops for a reason." I explained, causing Mayumi to roll her eyes.

"There's nothing you can do Kakashi, so stop acting like you can." She hissed. I furrowed my brows as I watched her look away from me again.

"Come to my house tonight, Rin and the others will be coming over to explain to me what had happened. You need to be there." I stated as she scoffed and finally shrugged herself out of my grasp.

"You're not the boss of me anymore, Kakashi. I quit being a part of the Anbu, and I quit being anywhere near you." She stated, causing my eyes to widen.

"M-Mayumi?...." I muttered, not sure what to say at this point. She pushed me off gently and turned her back towards me. "Mayumi...whether you want me there or not I'm not going anywhere. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm in love with you Mayumi, and some time apart did nothing more than make me realize just how much I love you. No matter how many times you push me away I'm not leaving." I stated, standing my ground. Mayumi sighed deeply and shoved her hands in her pocket as she mumbled.

"Well, then I guess that makes you an idiot." I smirked at her words as I shrugged.

"I guess it does." I answered.

"Mayumi, I'm going to figure out a way to help you. Whether you decide to tell me what happened or not. I'll find out one way or another." I stated confidently. I wasn't going to just let this slide, not when it involved her. She stopped right before the exit of the alley way as she kept her back turned away from me.

"There's nothing you can do Kakashi. I have to do this on my own..." she mumbled, clenching her fists at her sides. I sighed deeply and walked over to her, grabbing her by the wrist as I spun her around to face me.

    "You're not doing ANYTHING on your own anymore Mayumi." I stated as I leaned forward and softly pressed my lips against hers. After a few moments she gave up fighting and kissed me back. I pulled away slowly and smiled before I looked at her. As soon as my eyes met her, my eyes widened a bit. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she did the best she could to keep herself together.

"Mayumi..." I muttered as I pulled her into my chest. I kissed the top of her head softly as she finally broke completely.

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