Chapter Twelve: Disgrace

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(Mayumi's POV)

   I took a deep breath and tried to recollect myself as I began walking down the hall to my fathers meeting room. My mind didn't want to believe what just happened between Kakashi and I. The feeling of his lips on mine still lingered. I blushed deeply as I stood up straight and walked like a lady.

   When I was around my father my whole demeanor changed. He was the head of our prestigious clan, and a very very vengeful man. He wasn't always like that. Before he took control of our clan, I had memories of him and my mother taking me to festivals, and reading to me at night. But once my grandfather passed away and my father took his birth right as head of the family everything changed.

   My mother became ill when I was six years old. Her illness came fast and completely destroyed her in a matter of twelve months. My mothers funeral was a massive event, attended by most of the major clans in the village. To me, it felt more like a business meeting between my father and the other clan leaders. Once I hit the age of twelve and finally activated my Kekei Genkai my father had me trained. At that point all I felt like was a tool, to be used by my father at any moment.

      We reached the massive doors that led to my fathers meeting room. Our family crest, a black cat in front of a blood red spider Lilly was carved into the front of the door. I took a deep breath, glancing back at Kakashi, who seemed calmer then ever as Yuko and Yui opened the large red doors. The meeting room was one of the largest rooms in the estate. A large long black table sat in the middle of the room, with a huge black throne at the front. My father really took his duties seriously. My gaze drifted over to my father, who stood by the window.  His long Snow White hair cascaded down his back. He wore a elegant red and black kimono that matched the kimono that I was wearing. His deep emerald eyes met mine as he gently smiled. 

  "Kakashi, a pleasure to see you." His deep voice sounded quite pleasant. I rolled my eyes, knowing it was just a façade he was putting on for Kakashi's sake. Kakashi bowed politely as he spoke. 

   "Lord Kaneko, the pleasure is all mine. I'm glad to see your in good health." Kakashi stated. My father, Jin Kaneko took a few steps towards us, his once gentle gaze turned cold as he peered down at me.

    "Father, it's good to see you." I softly spoke, bowing my head in respect as he kept his deep emerald gaze on me. Before I could say anything else, I lifted my head to meet the back of my fathers hand. I stumbled a little as I held my left cheek and kept my gaze towards the floor. I wasn't sure if I was in shock, or if the anger in the pit of my stomach was about to boil over but before I could move a muscle Kakashi stood between my father and I. My eyes widened as I looked up at Kakashi, who kept his gaze on my father. 

    "Now sir, with all due respect..." Kakashi began to speak as he placed his hand on my fathers shoulder. "I suggest you don't place your hands on her again..." Kakashi's voice suddenly became deeper, and more fierce. My father shifted his gaze from Kakashi to me. 

   "Mayumi has disappointed the clan. Her actions have put our family's most prized possession in danger. A smack across the face is nothing compared to how she should be punished." My fathers words were like a knife in my heart as I kept my eyes on the ground.

   "Give us what we need to remove the seal, and we will be on our way." Kakashi stated as my father looked back at him again. 

   "Fine, I will have Yuko give you the scroll you need. After that take my disgraceful daughter and leave." My father stated coldly as I turned and began walking out of the meeting room. Kakashi quickly nodded and turned, following me out of the meeting room. I made it about halfway down the hall when tears began to stream down my face.

   "Mayumi..." Kakashi softly spoke. He stayed a few steps behind me as I finally made it back to my quarters. Once I heard Kakashi close the door behind us my knees gave out. I fell to the floor, unable to control the sudden feelings of shock, anger and sadness that coursed through my veins. Suddenly I felt Kakashi sit on the floor next to me. He draped one of his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. We sat quietly for a few moments, as I did the best I could to recollect myself. Ten minutes passed and I was finally able to get myself calmed down. A deep breath escaped my lips as I looked up at Kakashi, who was staring at me. 

   "What are you looking at?" I asked, my voice a little crackly from the onslaught of tears moments before. He smiled through his mask as he spoke. 

    "Your eyes...they turn a gorgeous shade of green when you're upset..." he mumbled, touching the side of my face that my father had hit me on. I blushed deeply and quickly looked away, causing him to chuckle to himself.

    "S-Stop laughing, it's not funny!" I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed as Kakashi leaned back a bit and chuckled again. 

     "So, now what?" I asked, curious as to what Kakashi had planned now. 

   "Well, it seems like you need a place to stay, since your father isn't that kind of a person..." Kakashi's voice trailed off as I sighed deeply. I hadn't even thought about the fact that living here, with my father was no longer a viable option.

   "I'll figure it out Kakashi. Maybe Kurenai would let me crash at her place." I stated as he shook his head. 

   "You're staying with me, no arguments." Kakashi stated as my eyes widened a little. 

   "W-What do you m-mean?!" I muttered as Kakashi let go of me and stood up. He deep black eyes looked down at me as he spoke. 

  "We have some unfinished business..." Kakashi stated, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

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