helluva boss | stress

774 11 16

A/N : This was requested by cowgirlchicken. Hope this suffices 💙

Stolas had been working so hard to keep it together. He was in an unhappy, arranged marriage with a woman he didn't actually love. Not to mention that she had found out about his... Interactions... With Blitzo. He was under a lot of stress, but he was keeping it together for Octavia and Blitzo.

Until now.

"HONESTLY WHAT THE **** IS YOUR PROBLEM, ***HOLE!?" Blitzo yelled, finally snapping. "I'M ON MY ****ING DUTIES, TRYING NOT TO GET ****ED IN MY A! YOU CAN'T WAIT A DAMN HOUR!?" He screamed over the phone whilst dodging the stabbing knife of an angry target.

That was it.

"I-" Stolas paused, choking up "I'm sorry" he said, tears welling up in his eyes. He hung up, curled up on the floor, and started sobbing.

Octavia got up from her bed to go get lunch from the kitchen, only to find nothing of her interest in the fridge. Despite being rich, their fridge was often pretty empty. She sighed in annoyance and walked over to her dad's office to ask him about food, but upon opening the door, she immediately spotted her father crying.

Worried, she quickly ran to his side. "Dad, are you okay?" She asked, worried for him. He slowly curled further into a ball and slightly leaned on her. She pulled him into a hug.

"Hey" she said, confused and concerned "What happened?"

"I'm sorry, Via" he muttered brokenly. "I can't... I can't keep this up... I'm sorry"

"What are you talking about?" She asked, concerned

"I'm not okay, Via" he responded. "I'm not happy with your mom, and recently it's been getting worse between us. I genuinely love Blitzo but he's irritated with me too" he explained "I've been trying to keep it together for you and for- and for him, but- I-"

"It's okay" she reassured. Has he really been in this much pain? Holy Lucifer...

She pulled out her phone and shot a text to Blitzo, still holding her sobbing father.

gothchk17 : Hey ***hole. My dad's a wreck. Get over here please

blitzorodeo : why teh **** shoudl i comee over there? i nearly gto kiled on a mitsiom just mow. can't his horny *** wait?

gothchk17 : No. And it's not that. He's hurting. Get the **** over here.

blitzorodeo : ugh. fine.

"It's okay, dad" She reassured, putting her phone back in her pocket. "The red dude is coming over" She told him.

He tensed slightly "But he's mad at me" he whimpered. "You two can work it out when he gets here"

A few minutes later, Blitzo walked in "Now this better be pretty ****ing important if you're interrupting my-" he saw Stolas huddled on the floor, crying into his daughter's shoulder and quickly ran over

"Woah woah hey what happened?" He asked, concerned

"No- You're mad at me- I'm sorry. Y-You shouldn't-"

"Woah hey it's alright" Blitzo reassured, confused. He shot Octavia a look, to which she just shrugged in response.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier" Blitzo mumbled, causing both owls to look up, confused. "I was under a lot of stress. I'm sorry" Blitzo finished

Stolas sat up fully, pulling away from Octavia. "I'm sorry for causing such a scene" He said, rubbing a few stray tears from his eyes.

"Truth be told I've been very overwhelmed lately, and I guess that was just the last straw for me" He explained.

Octavia and Blitzo both gave him concerned looks, which Stolas quickly caught onto.

"I'll be okay, really" He reassured

"Can we help?" They both asked in unison. Stolas gave a weak smile in response. "I don't know" he said sadly

"Well, if you ever need to get out of this ****hole, let me know" Blitzo said, surprisingly gentle

"Yeah. If you ever wanna go and hang out somewhere, let me know Dad" Octavia chimed in

Stolas' smile got a little less sad


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