victorious | apology

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A/N : Ngl I really didn't care for the Jade/Beck pairing at first (and I still ship Jade/Tori and Beck/Andre more), but I've come around. Anyways, this takes place after the events up episode 1x06 (according to Netflix ordering)

Tori had left awhile ago and eventually Jade and Beck just silently went into the RV. Jade felt a ping of guilt as she saw a few ripped up papers and some blood from when the dog had freaked out. Her intentions were good, but bringing a random dog into the place without even checking to see if Beck was inside was incredibly reckless and she felt really guilty over it.

"Hey" Beck said quietly, noticing that Jade had zoned out. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence, but it still worried Beck each time it happened. She usually fidgeting in some way when she zoned out, and it didn't take long for Jade to admit to him it was a shitty coping mechanism her brain turned on when she was feeling any sort of overwhelming and negative emotion.

The sudden talking made Jade flinch slightly as her headspace returned to the real world. "Yeah?" She replied quietly. Beck sighed and sat next to her, gently putting an arm over her back in an attempt to comfort her without giving more physical contact than she would likely be comfortable with. Jade never told him, but she really appreciated that. How he had always kept in mind the little things like how she could get jumpy around touch.

"I'm sorry" Jade said suddenly, breaking the somewhat awkward silence that had fallen between them. Beck was about to respond, but Jade held up a hand to indicate she had more to say. "I shouldn't have broken up with you over that stupid photo. It was irresponsible and unfair to you- to both of us- and I'm really sorry I did that. I just..." She trailed off as she realized that she was growing a bit emotional, something she almost always tried to avoid at all costs.

"Hey" Beck said again, getting her to look at him. "It's okay" he reassured "I'm not mad- or, well..." he trailed off, searching for words to put to how he felt about the situation. "Obviously I'm not too thrilled about it, and communication and trust are definitely some things we need to work on" he added, and Jade felt another small ping of guilt "But I'm not mad at you. I love you"

Jade took a deep breath to stabilize herself. The amount of vulnerability she had already displayed within the last 2 days felt like too much so she wanted to minimize it now that the two were back together. She had cried in front of Tori, for fuck's sake. Tori

"Yeah" she said after recalibrating her thoughts. She gave him a genuine smile, which was a rare sight, as her smile typically had a hint of sarcasm to it. "I love you too"

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