victorious | apology 2

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A/N : Takes place after episode 1x03 (according to Netflix ordering)

Tori and Jade had snuck out of the room while the officer was too wrapped up in cleaning and dancing. It had been weirdly easy to trick him, and Tori wondered whether or not that man could actually do his job because clearly, it wasn't hard to distract him.

"Vega" the other girl said suddenly, pulling Tori out of her thoughts. "I have a name, you know" Tori replied, sounding slightly annoyed. Jade gave a forced smile before starting again. "Tori" she said with her teeth clenched. It was taking a lot of self-control to not snap at the new girl. Anger management wasn't exactly Jade's strong suit.

"I..." she trailed off uncomfortably. She wanted to apologize, but that was easier said than done because apologizing meant being vulnerable and that was the last thing she wanted to do. But... It wasn't really about what she wanted. It was about what she had to do to make things right, so she swallowed her pride and took Tori into the janitor's closet.

"And, we're in a closet" Tori said offhandedly and Jade felt herself flinch slightly at the wording. "Tori" she started again, avoiding eye contact and instead opting to look at the ground. "Yes, Jade?" Tori asked with a small smile.

"I'm..." Jade trailed off to take a deep breath "I'm sorry" she said, making shaky eye contact with the Latina. "I shouldn't have faked getting hurt, and not only because you got punished" she elaborated "It was a shitty thing to do, and making the others- making you- question your judgment or... Making people think you were violent- It was shitty. And I'm sorry"

Silence fell between the two for a moment as Tori processed Jade's words.

"Yeah, it was shitty" Tori said suddenly, and Jade felt the guilt in her stomach grow a bit more (as well as amusement at having heard perfect Tori Vega say a curse word). "But..." Tori continued, placing a hand on the other girl's shoulder. Normally, Jade would have told whoever it was to take their hand off her body if they wanted to live to see the next day, but for whatever reason, she didn't mind when it was Tori.

"I accept your apology" Tori said with a small smile. Jade wanted to yell at the girl. Tell her that was a load of bullshit and that she was perfectly allowed to be mad about the situation. Lord knows that if this had happened to Jade, Tori would either have a black eye or someone would have resorted to chaining Jade down to a table to prevent the violence.

But, stupid perfect Tori fucking Vega had just accepted the apology like it was nothing. Sure, the situation was annoying, but she hadn't even expected an apology in the first place. She was just glad that she had gotten one and that Jade had even bailed her out of having to clean off the theater walls. Plus, they even had fun doing so.

"Now..." Tori started again, removing her hand from Jade's shoulder and instead grabbing the goth's hand as she led them out of the closet. "Where do we go now?" she asked, and Jade was confused. "Excuse me?" Jade asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Come on" Tori said with a small smile "Let's go somewhere" she said simply. Jade wanted to argue but she also didn't. She wouldn't admit it, but she was enjoying this time with Tori, even if she felt guilty the entire time.

"Okay, Vega" she replied as the two left the building.

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