the owl house | the goodbye song

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A/N : Apologies for the lack of work over these last few months. Just haven't been very motivated to write fanfiction. This was a request from ChloeRodrigues0, in which it's a songfic where it's from the perspective of Edric to his sisters. A bit vague so I took some creative liberties. Hope this suffices 💙

"EDRIC!" Emira screamed as her brother ran into the burning building. The troublemaker just had to save his littlest sister. He soon emerged at the doorway of the building with Amity, who quickly ran to Emira's side.

Before Edric could follow, however, the building collapsed in on itself, bringing Edric down with the crash.

With no time to react, Edric's world went black.

He suddenly awoke, looking down at his body. The upsetting realization soon hit him.

He was dead.

He looked around frantically, as some witches tried to put out the fire.

He looked to his left and saw his panicked sisters crying over his body.

Physical sensation was weird for him. He had no actual body, so anything he touched was more of a phantom feeling rather than the actual sense of touch.

A light shined behind him. He looked back and saw a big bright light. He knew to walk towards it, but stopped himself.

He wanted to say goodbye to his sisters

The time has come. I'm flying away he sang softly, though his sisters couldn't hear him. He put his hand on Emira's shoulder. No reaction.

Mouth is numb. Heart don't know what to say He continued. The lyrics were just whatever came to mind, but he was fine with that. They couldn't really hear him anyways.

He inched towards the light

And although I'll be out of sight, dear he continued, looking at his sisters Know I'll be right here he reached his hand towards them. He was now slowly being pulled towards the light whether he wanted to or not

Right here forever. Ever. Ever. Ever. And when you look to the night skies

The light was only a few feet away

Don't think of goodbyes. Think how I'm right here. Ever. Ever. Ev-

He was pulled into the light

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