she ra | panic attack 4

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A/N : Inspired by a fan comic by artofkace on Twitter (specifically the page above)

Catra felt guilt and fear rise in her chest. No no no I can't let them see me like this she thought, looking at Adora and Glimmer. The 3 of them were having a meeting, discussing a number of things that had to be done to fix Salineas

The kingdom that YOU destroyed the voice reminded Catra


She was about to have a full blown panic attack in the middle of a meeting. She couldn't let that happen, so she suddenly got up and bolted out of the room

Adora and Glimmer exchanged worried looks before getting up and trying to find her.

After a few minutes of searching, Glimmer found her in a dark room that had a statue of Angella

"Catra!?" Glimmer asked, wondering what was up "Adora! I found her!" She shouted, alerting Adora to come to the room

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"Catra!?" Glimmer asked, wondering what was up "Adora! I found her!" She shouted, alerting Adora to come to the room

They went closer and noticed that Catra was crying "Catra, are you okay?" Adora asked

Catra was hyperventilating and her heart was beating like crazy

"Adora, she's having a panic attack" Glimmer responded, even though Catra was the one being asked

Catra glanced around frantically. Adora was there, but her focus was on Glimmer.

F*ck f*ck f*ck! Glimmer can't see me like this, she's the queen and I can't look weak in front of the f*cking queen

Needless to say, Catra spiralled further into panic

Adora place a hand on her shoulder, causing the Magicat to flinch back and crumble to the floor, curling herself into a ball and running a hand through her hair

Adora and Glimmer exchanged worried looks

Adora kneeled in front of the panicking feline

"Catra" she said

Catra looked up, fear evident in her eyes

"Catra, can I touch you?" Adora asked

Catra nodded, so Adora sat next to her and rubbed her shaking back

Glimmer slowly sat on the other side of Catra

Catra looked at her and panicked, whimpering and latching onto Adora

Glimmer didn't know how to respond to that

"Hey hey hey" Adora said soothingly "It's okay. It's just Glimmer"

That's the problem Catra thought to herself, but didn't dare vocalize it

Glimmer slowly reached for Catra's hand and gave it a little squeeze

Catra looked over at her, confused and scared

"It's okay" Glimmer reassured "Just try to breathe"

Catra didn't respond so Glimmer offered to walk her through some deep breaths "Breathe with me?"

Catra nodded, so Glimmer lead her through some deep breaths

In and out

In and out

They went like that for about 2 minutes, and Catra was starting to calm down, still latched onto Adora

Adora looked down at her girlfriend and wished she could take it all away. The anxiety, the depression, the trauma, the panic attacks.

All of it.

But at least Catra was calming down now.

Glimmer stood up

"I'm gonna go meet with Mermista to discuss our plans with her" Glimmer announced "If either of you wish to join, I will be in the meeting room"

Catra and Adora both nodded in response.

Everything was okay now

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