scream mtv | panic attack 2

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A/N : I just finished watching episode 1x07 and want to write a thing for it. I know this is probably contradictory to whatever happens next but fuck it. Canon divergence is a thing. Cw/tw for blood, talk about murder/death and stuff like that

Emma was terrified.

She quickly fled the scene, of course. She didn't want the killer to catch her or for her to be caught next to that gruesome sight. Lord knows it'd take more than just her word to prove that she didn't intend for that to happen. What's worse is that she technically was responsible for it, just in the sense that she set off the tripwire. Fuck!

She ran to Audrey's house because she honestly just didn't know where else to go. She couldn't just go home because the sheriff practically lived there nowadays and she was covered in blood and guts. It took a lot of mental focus to not go into full-blown shutdown mode on her run to Audrey's.

She soon arrived and Audrey opened the door, her face very quickly becoming concerned as she saw the state that her friend was in. The only part of her body that wasn't covered in the stuff was her shoes because running through the dirt of the woods had wiped the muck off.

"Holy shit" Audrey said out of shock. "Please just let me in. I swear I can explain, just please" Emma pleaded. She was crying, and understandably so. She had just witnessed her ex-boyfriend get torn apart by farm equipment, and she had caused it, even if it was unknowingly. "Yeah, of course" Audrey nodded, opening the door to allow the shaking girl inside.

"Just breathe, okay?" Audrey coaxed softly, placing a hand on the other girl's shoulder. It was uncomfortably wet and a small part of her wanted to immediately run to a sink to scrub the blood off, but she didn't. "Let's get you to the shower so you can clean off"

She gently led the blood-covered girl to the bathroom with a towel. "I'll let you clean yourself off, and I'll bring in a change of clothes, okay?" she asked. Emma just shakily nodded in response. "Okay. We'll talk after" Audrey said before leaving.

Roughly twenty minutes later, she heard a shaky "I'm done", so she went to find the other girl a change of clothes and cracked the door to give them to her. Not long after that, Emma walked out of the bathroom, no longer covered in blood but still looking incredibly shaken.

"What happened?" Audrey asked as the other girl sat down. It wasn't accusatory in the slightest, she just wanted to understand what the fuck was going on. "Will is dead" Emma replied after a moment, her voice wavering slightly. "Was that his blood?" Audrey asked. Emma just nodded as tears came to her eyes again. It was clear now that whatever had happened was not her fault, or at least not intentionally.

The sight of Emma crying like that made Audrey's heart break. It wasn't the first time she'd seen her cry, nor would it probably be the last, but that didn't make it hurt any less. "Come here" she said gently, opening her arms up to hug her. Emma shakily accepted the hug, curling up against her.

"You're okay" Audrey said calmly as she felt how shaky and tense the other girl was. Clearly whatever happened had been fucking horrifying. "Deep breaths, Em" she added as she heard how shallow the girl's breathing had become.

It took a few minutes of just allowing her to cry and do breathing exercises, but Emma eventually calmed down, uncurling herself from Audrey. "I'm sorry for just showing up like this" she finally said, avoiding eye contact with the other girl. "I just didn't know where else to go"

"It's alright" Audrey replied with a small smile. "I'm glad to see you, even if this is not exactly ideal circumstances" she added, gaining a small chuckle from Emma. "What happened anyway?"

"He tricked me into stepping over a tripwire that activated a machine which shredded Will to bits" Emma replied, taking a deep breath to avoid panicking again. Audrey just nodded as she processed that information. "You didn't touch anything, right?" she finally asked after a second. "No, I didn't" Emma replied. "I mean, my shoe prints are probably everywhere but... I can't get arrested for that, can I?" she asked with a nervous expression.

"Honestly, I don't know" Audrey replied awkwardly "I guess it would just depend on how thoroughly they decide to investigate the scene" she added. It did little to soothe Emma's nerves, but Audrey knew better than to sugarcoat it. This could very likely make things really shitty.

"But, either way, I'll be there for you, okay?" she asked after a moment, which got Emma to finally make eye contact with her. "You're my friend" Audrey continued "I mean, I'm still mad at you about the video, but you're my friend, okay? I'll do whatever I can to make sure this doesn't blow up on you"

"Thanks, Audrey" Emma replied with a very genuine smile. "Yeah" Audrey replied with a small smile of her own. "No problem, Em"

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