detroit become human | panic attack

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A/N : Apologies if you've sent a request and I haven't done it yet. I swear I'll get to them, I've just been having a rough time. Oh also my birthday was a few days ago. Anyways here's some DBH hurt/comfort cause there are not enough fics about Kara's trauma. This takes place when they first leave Todd's place, in the timeline where they choose the car

Kara looked at herself in the rearview mirror, then looked back at Alice, who was sound asleep.

She's safe Kara reminded herself We're safe

She felt a bit silly. They were safe for now. They were away from Todd, at least. They should just sleep.

Alice was sound asleep, too exhausted to stay awake. Hell, she was the one who had that man as a FATHER

Kara was basically just a full time maid and caretaker. A slave.

She didn't have to have any sort of relationship with the awful man. She didn't have to see him as a father figure. She didn't have to be let down every time he didn't reach that expectation.

So, why was it affecting her this much?

She felt her heartrate increase. Dammit she thought Why the hell would they program that!?

Sometimes she felt as though CyberLife was cruel for the things they programmed into their androids

Here she was, spiralling through the thoughts and memories of that awful man. In just one short night she had seen the awful things he was capable of. She had seen the violence he nearly inflicted on poor Alice.

She had killed him.

That was it. That was the last straw. That is what pushed her over the edge into a full panic attack. The memories of the blood. Even if she hated that man, she had still taken a life. Alice had seen her father get killed.

She was hyperventilating. Everything felt like too much. Her synthetic heartrate was pounding in her ears. Tears began to stream down her face despite how hard she tried to hold them back.

The commotion inevitably woke poor Alice, sending Kara further into panic.

The poor little girl needed some goddamn rest and she woke her.

Upon noticing Kara's distressed state, the little girl crawled up to the front of the car, and sat in the seat next to the older android.

"A-Alice" Kara managed to choke out "Y-You should.... You"

Alice silently crawled over to the panicking android and gave her a hug. Kara hesitantly but eventually returned the hug shakily.

"It's okay" Alice said. She wasn't entirely sure of why Kara was so upset or how to help, but she wanted to at least try.

Kara's breathing started to slow a bit, the child's presence grounding her in the present, away from Todd. It had only really been a few hours since everything happened.

Alice listened as Kara's synthetic heartrate slowed down from it's rapid pace.

As Kara willed herself to calm down, she felt the tired child in her arms, now fully registering everything that had happened.

She had a panic attack

"Are you okay, Kara?" The tired child asked

Kara smiled, picking up Alice and moving her into the backseat again

"Yes" she replied, placing the jacket over Alice so she wouldn't be cold "I love you"

"I love you too, mom" Alice muttered groggily before drifting off

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