she ra | panic attack 2

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Catra was in Adora's room back in Bright Moon. The magicat was pacing back and forth while Adora sat and watched.

"Sit down, Catra" the blonde said, slightly annoyed

Catra sighed and sat down next to Adora

Suddenly, her whole body tensed and her fur stood up.

Adora quickly realized that she was beginning to have a panic attack

"Catra" she said calmly as to not scare her

Catra looked over at her with nothing but fear evident in her eyes

"Catra, it's okay"

Catra's breathing quickened. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. Tears fell from her eyes. She felt nauseous. And very very scared.

She shakily hugged Adora to try and stabilize herself

Adora hadn't seen her like this for awhile.

Adora wrapped her arm around the shaking hybrid.

"Breathe, Catra" she said calmly, hoping it would help her girlfriend to take a few deep breaths

The hybrid struggled, but managed a few deep breaths

"Good job" Adora said

A few minutes of breathing exercises passed and Catra was starting to calm down

Glimmer walked in and when she saw the state that Catra was in she calmly said "Hordak prepared dinner, if you two are ready"

Catra took a deep breath and nodded

The blonde, the magicat, and the queen left the room together and went to go have dinner

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