life is strange 2 | anxiety attack

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A/N : Post parting ways ending because the ending I got (Lone Wolf) would not work for this

Not one day went by that Sean didn't think about the events of the border. How Daniel had sacrificed himself, and for no reason other than his moral compass. He, of course, was glad to know that his little brother was doing okay back in Beaver Creek, and of course, a moral compass is important, but it still hurt.

Of course, the cards weren't completely off the table for them to see each other, but they both agreed it was an unsafe idea. If either of them tried to get a plane ticket to the other country, that would certainly cause some trouble. They had really made a mess back at the border, and they both just wanted to live peaceful lives again.

Sean still thought about it every day, though.

Of course, it wasn't like it consumed his every waking thought or anything, and it also wasn't causing him a severe amount of emotional distress... Only on certain days did it really upset him. Just thinking back on that year after their dad died. All the mistakes they had both made. All the trouble they had gotten into. Unsurprisingly, that shit stayed with both of them.

Finn had moved to Puerto Lobos to live with Sean as soon as he could afford to. The two of them were happy together. They really connected on a level that neither had really felt before, and it was nice. Sure, the town was a bit dangerous and had a lot of gang activity. And, sure, they lived in a shitty apartment and had financial issues, but at least they had each other.

Sean wasn't the only one with PTSD either. Finn also had his fair share of trauma and whatnot. He just was high all the time so he didn't feel it as much. When he did, though, Sean was always there for him. They were always there for each other through the good and the bad. While Sean always thought about the border, Finn always thought about the heist.

Their memories nearly drowned them at points, but they helped one another stay afloat.

One day, Finn's anxiety was going haywire. Even through the usual fog of high, he felt incredibly anxious. His brain had taken him down a rabbit hole of how much better things would have ended up if he never took Sean and Daniel on that heist, or if he had just been more careful when breaking in.

He wouldn't have a limp when he walked. Sean's eye would be okay. Sean and Daniel wouldn't have gotten separated. They would have had a better chance at getting into Mexico together. Things would have been so much different and probably way better if you hadn't dragged them into your stupid plans.

Finn combed his hand through his hair in an attempt to calm himself down. This little motion usually soothed him if he was anxious or overstimulated, but now it did nothing to calm him down, and that only stressed him out more. Sean's just in the other room he thought to himself. He knew Sean would never judge him or get mad at him for being anxious, but he still worried. No relationship had ever lasted as much as this one, so a small part of him was still worried that Sean would drop his ass.

Dwelling on his worries proved to be his downfall, as he felt the air start to leave his lungs. This didn't happen often, but when he got too anxious, sometimes he'd just... Freak out. This seemed to be one of those times, as he felt his body get more and more rattled and shaky. He also was continuing to spiral mentally, so much so that he didn't even notice that Sean had entered the room until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He shakily looked over to see the familiar face of Sean fucking Diaz with a concerned expression. It took him a second to process that Sean was saying something and another moment to process what he was saying.

"Finn?" the Mexican asked gently, allowing the other boy to curl up against him. Finn just gave a small whimper in response, so Sean stroked his hair gently. "It's okay" he reassured, feeling his heart break as his boyfriend shook in his arms. This wasn't the first time that something like this had happened, nor would it be the last, but it still hurt to know that the boy was going through this.

"You need to breathe, Finn" he said softly to the shaking boy. Finn attempted to take a deep breath but choked, sending him further into panic. Sean held the boy's head up to his heartbeat, giving him something to focus on as he took deep breaths to guide him. Finn shakily followed and started to calm down after about five minutes of that.

"What happened?" Sean asked softly. Finn took a deep, slightly shaky breath before responding. "Y'know" he started "Just got lost in my own thoughts... Started to spiral outta hand. Sorry 'bout that" he answered softly. Sean ran his fingers through the boy's hair in a soothing motion. "You didn't do anything wrong" he reassured "No need to apologize"

"Thanks, sweetie" Finn replied with a loving smile, sitting up to give Sean a small kiss on the cheek. "You're a gem, y'know that?" he asked as he gently ran his own fingers through Sean's hair. Sean chuckled in response. Finn was clearly still a little bit high (what else is new?) and he found it adorable. "You tell me every day, Finn" Sean replied with an amused smile.

"Cause it's true every day" Finn defended as he leaned against the Mexican. "You're high" Sean said with a smirk. "As a kite" Finn replied with a small chuckle. "I love you" he said softly, causing Sean's heart to skip a beat just like it did whenever Finn said something particularly affectionate like that.

"I love you too, Finn"

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