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-March 20th 2002-
                    Me,Joey,Eliana,Ricky,Monica,Chandler,Cassius and Phoebe are at Ross and Rachel’s waiting for them to come home.Me and Monica are looking at the sign Phoebe bought that says "It’s a Boy!".

Monica:Ok I don’t wanna be negative so I’ll say that most of the signs you bought are good.

Phoebe:No they ran out of It’s a girl but I can fix this one."Writes not".See?.

Tabitha:"Grins".I'm so excited to meet Emma.

Joey:"Smiles".Me too.

   Ricky starts to cry and Joey picks him up and feeds him his bottle as Monica looks at Chandler whose sleeping with a balloon in his mouth.

Monica:So sexy."Waking him".Honey.


   Chandler pulls the balloon out of his mouth.

Monica:Honey why don’t you go lie down.

Chandler:No,no Ross and Rachel will be back soon and then I gotta go to the office."Pulls another balloon out of mouth". Am I producing them?.

Tabitha:Why’re you so tired?.

Chandler:Couldn’t sleep last night you know then I started worrying about this big divisional meeting that I have later today the more I worried about it the more I couldn’t sleep.Y’know?.I was like if I fall asleep now I’ll get six hours sleep but if I fall asleep now I’ll get five hours sleep.No matter what I did I couldn’t fall asleep.

Joey:You know what you should’ve done you should have told yourself that little story.

   I chuckle at my husband's comment and the Rachel enters tge apartment with Emma.


All:Hi welcome home!.

Monica:Phoebe did the signs.

Rachel:Oh you guys thanks for doing this.

Phoebe:Look at all the stuff people sent!.

Rachel:Oh ah."Sees big stuffed gorilla".Oh my gosh there’s something every mother needs a giant stuffed gorilla that takes up the entire apartment.What are people think…"Reads card".Oh you guys I love it.

Cassius:Hey so where’s Ross?.

Rachel:He’s downstairs getting the rest of the stuff out of the cab.

Cassius:Is he still mad at us?.

Rachel:Well you more then me but he can’t stay to mad at me.I mean I just had his baby.

Cassius:That’s not fair.I can’t do that.

Rachel:Yeah I’m not so sure you should be here when he comes up.

Cassius:See this is what I was afraid of I didn’t think I should be here either but somebody."Looks at Chandler".Said he’d be over it by now.

Chandler:Hey what do I know?.I wanted to get a bigger gorilla.

Tabitha:Okay now i want to see Emma we haven't met her.

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