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-December 14th 1996-

   At Central Perk Me,Chandler and Rachel are sitting on the couch.

Chandler:"Reading the comics".Eh...I don’t, I don’t know.


Chandler:Well as old as he is in dog years do you think Snoopy should still be allowed to fly this thing?.



Gunther:Do you remember when you first came here how you spent two weeks getting trained by another waitress?.

Rachel:Oh sure!.Do you need me to train somebody new?.

Gunther:"Laughs".Good one.Actually ah Terry wants you to take the training again whenever.

Rachel:"Tto Chandler".Eh do you believe that?.

Chandler:"Thinks about it".Yeah?.


   We are all at Central Perk and we are discussing an incident that happened with Ross and Chandler.

Monica:You broke a little girl’s leg?!.

Ross:I know.I feel horrible.Okay.

Chandler:"Reading the paper".Says here that a muppet got whacked on Seasame Street last night."To Ross".Where exactly were you around ten-ish?.

Ross:Well I’m gonna go see her.I want to bring her something what do you think she’ll like?.

Monica:Maybe a Hello Kitty doll,the ability to walk...

Rachel starts to laugh and Ross notices her.

Rachel:I’m gonna get back to retraining."Gets up".

Ross:All right see you guys.

Ross starts to leave.

Chandler:Look out kids he’s coming!.

   Ross continues to leave with his head down in shame.

Joey:And I gotta go sell some Christmas trees.

Phoebe:Have fun.Oh wait no don’t!.I forgot I am totally against that now.

Joey:What?.Me having a job?.

Phoebe:No,no I am against innocent trees being cut down in their prime and their, their corpses grotesquely dressed in like tinsel and twinkly lights."To Joey".Hey how do you sleep at night?.

Joey:Well I’m pretty tired from lugging the trees around all day...Hey Phoebe listen you got this all wrong.Those trees were born to be Christmas trees their fulfilling their life purpose by,by making people happy.


   Phoebe turns and looks at Monica while Joey frantically motions to Chandler to help him out.

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