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-February 17th 2000-

    We are all at Central Perk hanging out as Rachel enters.

Rachel:Hey you guys.Guess what?.Barry and Mindy are getting a divorce!.

Monica:Oh my God.


Joey:"To Ross".What is the matter with you?!.

Tabitha:No hun Barry and Mindy.

Joey:Oh sorry I hear divorce I immediately go to Ross."To Rachel".Who,who’s Barry and Mindy?.

Rachel:Barry was the guy that I was almost married and Mindy was my best friend.

Joey:Oh,oh wasn’t he cheating on you with her?

Rachel:Yeah but that just means that he was falling asleep on top of her instead of me.

Monica:Why did they get divorced?.

Rachel:Well apparently she caught him cheating on her with someone else.Isn’t that sad?."Giggles".God could you imagine if I actually married him?!.I mean how different would my life be?.

Ross:I know what you mean I’ve always wondered how different my life would be if-if I’d never gotten divorced.

Tabitha:"Teasingly".Which time?.

Ross:The first time!.No seriously imagine if Carol hadn’t realized she was a lesbian.

Cassius:I can’t.I keep seeing it the good way.

Ross:I’d bet I’d still be doing my kara-tay.Towards the end of our marriage I was doing a lot of kara-tay as a way of releasing the tension from y’know not doing anything else physical.

Chandler:Maybe the problem was you were pronouncing it kara-tay.

Monica:And what if I was still fat?."To Chandler".Well you wouldn’t be dating me that’s for sure.

Chandler:Sure I would!.

All:Oh yeah!.Come on!.Yeah right!.

Chandler:What you guys really think that I’m that shallow?.

Ross:No I just think Monica was that fat.

Cassius:Hey imagine if Joey never got fired off Days Of Our Lives."Closes eyes".Oh hey there’s Carol again.

Chandler:What if I had had the guts to quit my job?.I’d probably be writing for the New Yorker getting paid to be funny. But my job’s fun too.I mean tomorrow I-I don’t have to wear a tie.

Phoebe:What if I had taken that job at Merrill Lynch?.


Rachel:Merrill Lynch?.

Phoebe:Yeah I had a massage client who worked there and,and he said I had a knack for stocks.

Rachel:Well why didn’t you take the job?.

Phoebe:Because at that time you see I thought everything that rhymed was true. So I thought y’know that if I’d work with stocks I’d have to live in a box and only eat lox and have a pet fox.

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