-May 16th 1997-
At the Beach it’s raining cats and dogs as the we arrive.Chandler and Monica are taking shelter under Rachel’s hat.
Rachel:Oh yeah now everybody wants to be under this hat!.
We get inside and notice the floor is covered in sand.
Monica:What’s with all this sand?.
VMonica picks up a handful of sand off of the floor.
Phoebe:Oh yeah Bob said there might be flood damage.
Tabitha:Yeah either that or he has a really big cat.
Later at The beach house it’s still raining. Chandler is building a sand castle while Rachel is doing Monica’s nails and we’re all drinking margaritas while bored.
Rachel:"To Monica".All done!.
Monica:Aww thank you.
Rachel:Okay who’s next?!.
Rachel looks around the room and stops when she comes to Ross.
Ross:No-o-o!...No way!.
Rachel:Come on please?!.I’m bored!.You let me do it once before.
Ross gives me and Joey a look and we give Chandler a look who gives us a Oh my God. look back.
Ross:Yeah well if ah if that’s the rule this weekend...
Rachel gets up.
Ross:Get away!.
Rachel:Just once!.
Ross:Stay away!.
Rachel:Take it like a man Ross!.
Ross gets up and starts to run away from her.
In his escape attempt he crushes Chandler’s sand castle.
Rachel:Oh come on!.
Chandler:Big bullies!.
Ross dives over the couch and Rachel goes the other way and lands up top of him.
Ross:Ow!.Ow!.Oh no-no-no!.
I look to my fiance Joey and I smirk as he see's me and I lean in closer to his ear.
Tabitha:"Whispers".I know of a way to take your boredom away.
At that moment Phoebe enters the beach house.
Phoebe:Oh hey!.

Tabitha Geller | Friends Fanfiction
FanfictionThis is the story of Tabitha Ella Sanderson Geller adopted sister of Ross and Monica Geller.