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-February 11th 1999-

    We are all at Monica and Rachel's eating some Chinese food.Phoebe is looking outside the window.

Phoebe:Oh hey you guys look!.Ugly Naked Guy is putting stuff in boxes!.

    Everyone but me all run and join her at the window.

Rachel:I'd say from the looks of it our naked buddy is moving.

Ross:Ironically, most of the boxes seem to be labeled clothes.

Rachel:Oh I'm gonna miss that big old squishy butt.

Chandler:And we're done with the chicken fried rice.

Ross:Hey!,Hey!.If he's moving maybe I should try to get his place!.

All:Good idea!.Yes!.

Ross:It would be so cool to live across from you guys!.

Joey:Hey yeah!.Then we could do that telephone thing!.Y'know you have a can,we have a can and it's connected by a string!.

Chandler:Or we can do the actual telephone thing.

    I put down my fried rice and a wave of nausea hits me and I get up and run to the bathroom throwing up.I feel someone hild my hair back and I look up to see my husband.I take some paper towel and I wipe my mouth...The next day at Central Perk Me,Joey and Cassius enter.

Cassius:Hey guys!.

Rachel:Tabitha,Joey,Cas!.Come here!,Come here!.



Rachel:Phoebe just found out about Monica and Chandler.

Joey:You mean how they're friends and nothing more?."Glares at Rachel".

Rachel:No.Joey.she knows.We were at Ugly Naked Guy's apartment and we saw them doing it through the window.

Me and Joey gasp.

Rachel:Actually we saw them doing it up against the window.

Phoebe:Okay so now they know that you know and they don't know that Rachel knows?.

Cassius:Yes but y'know what?.It doesn't matter who knows what.Now enough of us know that we can just tell them that we know!.Then all the lying and the secrets would finally be over!.

Phoebe:Or we could not tell them we know and have a little fun of our own.

Tabitha:W-what do you mean?.

Phoebe:Well y'know every time that they say that like they're doing laundry we'll just give them a bunch of laundry to do.

Rachel:Oh I-I would enjoy that!.

Joey:No,no,no!.No,no wait Rach you know what would even be more fun?.Telling them.

Rachel:Eh no I wanna do Phoebe's thing.

Cassius:I can't take any…

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