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-July 21st 1997-

   I go to the dressing room and change into another outfit to get out of my wedding dress.

   I look at the shirt I bought and I laugh at it and then I leave the dressing room carrying my wedding bouquet and wedding dress I had placed back in the box

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   I look at the shirt I bought and I laugh at it and then I leave the dressing room carrying my wedding bouquet and wedding dress I had placed back in the box.I see Ross gathering Me and Joey's duffel bags for Kokomo together at the front door and I see Joey smiling as he see's me.I smile back at my husband as I walk over and he puts an arm around me.

Monica:I can't believe you guys got married!."Points".Right there!.

I laugh and nod.

Tabitha:Well you better believe it Monica...Joey is gonna be around for life."Smiles".

Chandler:Good luck with that.

Tabitha:Thanks but I don't need it.I am already lucky."Smiles".

   I look at Joey and he grins at me and wgat I had said.

Ross:Your car is here.

   Me and Joey sigh not really wanting to leave our family and friends but we nod at Ross.

Jack:Ross help me with their things.

   Ross and Jack leave to put our things in the cab.

Rachel:Okay all unmarried woman gather around!.Its time for the bride bouquet.

   All the woman gather in a spot and I turn around and look at Joey.I get ready to throw the flowers as I look at him with a smile...I throw the flowers and I hear a squeal.I turn around to see it was Mary-Angela who caught it and I smile...Soon all of Joey's sisters come over to us and hug us...After saying our goodbyes me and Joey run to the car and hop in the back.I lay my head on Joey's lap and smile up at his smiling face.

Tabitha:We have done it Husband.

Joey:Yes we have wife."Smiles".

   Soon we take a plane to Kokomo and our bags are taken to our room by someone.Ne and Joey go to the beach and Joey sits down in a beach chair and I sit down in the middle of his legs and I place my head on his shoulder.

Tabitha:Kokomo is so beautiful.

Joey:I know anything that's beautiful.

I blush and look at Joey.

Tabitha:Oh shush you."Chuckles".

   Joey leans down and kisses me and I smile at him.

Joey:We are in paradise.

Tabitha:That we are."Smiles".

   Soon after eating the sun begins to go down as we look at the sunset and I feel Joey's lips on my shoulder.

Tabitha:Joey we are in public.

Joey:I know.

   I sit up and i look at my husband who has a michevious look on his face and i shake my head with a smile.I stand up and i walk over to the water.Soon i feel Joey's hands wrap around my waist and I look up at him.

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