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- September 30th 1996-

Me and Joey are at my apartment and he is watching TV on the couch while I watch him from the kitchen nervously....Everysince me and Joey have gotten together 6 months ago he has been practically living with me.He hangs out with Chandler in the day time and comes to my place to sleep...Since its been 6 months I have decided to ask if he would like to move in with me....I walk over to Joey with my stomach doing flips as I sit down next to him.Joey looks at me smiling but stops and raises an eyebrow at me.

Joey:Babe what's wrong?.

Tabitha:Nothing I just....Have a question.

Joey:"Turns off TV".I'm all ears.

Tabitha:Well you practically live with me already and I was just wondering if you would want to move in officially....You can still go see Chandler I mean our routine will still be the same just your stuff will be here and not there.

Joey smiles and kisses me and we end up laying down on the couch as we kiss and Joey pulls back.

Joey:I would love to live with you."Smiles".

Tabitha:Whenever you are ready to you can move in...But we should talk to Chandler.

Joey:Yeah we should...But we don't have to right now.

Joey brings me into a kiss once again and all the nervousness vanishes as I am wrapped in my lovers arms...Later that day we enter Chandler and Joey's apartment to see Chandler watching TV.

Tabitha:Yo Chandler we need to talk.

Chandler:What did I do now?.

Chandler turns to us with a confused look.

Tabitha:Nothing just we need to talk.

Joey:Tabitha asked me to move in with her.

Tabitha:And i thought we should talk to you about it.


Tabitha:Cause you guys are bestfriend's and roommates.


I chuckle and Chandler smiles at us.

Chandler:Yes its okay with me you love birds.

Me and Joey grin and we run over and hug Chandler.


-October 3rd 1996-

I am at Chandler and Joey's Chandler is sitting reading a book and I am writing in my notebook as we hear Joey jumping on his bed.


We hear a crash and run to Joey's bedroom.

Chandler:See Joe that's why your parents told you not to jump on the bed.

   Later in the day Me,Joey and Chandler enter Monica and Rachel's apartment.Joey is wearing a sling.



Ross:Aww is it broken?.

Joey:No I gotta wear this thing for a couple weeks."Points to the sling".

Rachel:Did you tell the doctor you did it jumping up and down on your bed?.

Joey:No I had a story all worked out but then Chandler sold me out.

Chandler:Well I'm sorry Joe.I didn't think the doctor was gonna buy that it just fell out of the socket.

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