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-November 10th 1994-

   Monica,Ross and I all enter the hospital and are greeted by our family.

Ross:So uh how's she doing?.

Our Aunt Lillian speaks up.

Lillian:The doctor says it's a matter of hours.

Monica:H-how are you Mom?.

Judy:Me?...I'm fine,fine...I'm glad you're here....What's with your hair?.


Judy:What's different?.


Judy:Oh maybe that's it.

   Monica and I go over to Ross as I pat her shoulder comforting her.Ross is making coffee and we talk to him.

Monica:She is unbelievable our mother is...

Ross:Okay relax,relax.We are gonna be here for a while it looks like and we still have boyfriends and your career to cover.

Monica:Oh God!.

   The three of us hug on a group hug to comfort eachother....Later we all gather to talk about Nana.

Tabitha:The fuzzy little mints at the bottom of her purse.

Ross:Oh!...Yeah they were gross.Oh you know what I loved?...Her Sweet 'n' Los. How she was always stealing them f-from restaurants.

Jack:Not just restaurants from our house.

   I chuckle at the memory as a nurse comes out of nana's room.


   We all stand up....Later Me,Ross and Monica are in Nana's room.

Ross:She looks so small.

Monica:I know.

Ross:Well at least she's with Pop-Pop and Aunt Phyllis now.

Tabitha:Goodbye Nana."Kisses her on the forehead".

Ross:Bye Nana.

   Ross goes to kiss nana but she moves.Monica screams as Ross and I shout and stare in disbelief.Monica runs out of the room.


Ross and I run out to join Monica.

Judy:What is going on?!.

Ross:You know h-how the nurse said t-that Nana had passed?.Well she's not quite...


Ross:She's not past.She's present.She's back.

Aunt Lillian reenter's the room.

Lillian:What's going on?.

Jack:She may have died.

Lillian:She may have died?.

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