-December 18th 1997-
At Chandler and Cassius's Me,Joey,Chandler and Phoebe are here as Ross enters.
Ross:I’m sorry I’m late did I miss anything?.
Phoebe:Joey stuffing 15 Oreos.in his mouth.
Joey with an obvious mouth full nods.
Ross:Your personal best.
Ross takes an Oreo and Joey mumbles no.
Phoebe:Where were you?.
Ross:Oh on a date.Yeah I met this girl on the train going to a museum upstate.
Chandler:Oh yeah.How did you meet her?.
Tabitha:Oh which museum?.
Phoebe:No answer his.
Ross:Okay it was just me and her at the back of the train and I sat near the door so she’d have to pass by me if she wanted to switch cars.She was totally at my mercy.
Chandler:Were you so late because you were burring this woman?.
Ross:No I’m getting back down cause she lives in Poughkeepsie.She seems really great but she’s like totally great but she lives two and a half hours away.
Chandler:How can she be great if she’s from Poughkeepsie?."Laughs".That joke would’ve killed in Albany.
Joey:Done.I did it.Heh who’s stupid now?.
Joey smiles and has cookie remains all over his teeth which makes me chuckle.
At Central Perk Chandler,Me,Joey,Rachel and Phoebe are here.
Chandler:Hey look at this."Holding a newspaper".They’re lighting the big Christmas tree tonight.
Phoebe:Um that paper’s two weeks old.
Chandler:All right who keeps leaving old newspapers in the trash?!.I really wanted to take Kathy to this I can’t believe I missed it.
Rachel:Hey y’know at least you have somebody to miss that stuff with.I hate being alone this time of year!.Next thing you know it’ll be Valentine’s Day then my birthday then bang! before you know it they’re lighting that damn tree again.Oh I want somebody!.You know I want a man. I mean it doesn’t even have to be a big relationship you know just like a fling would be great.
Chandler:Really?.I didn’t think girls ever just wanted a fling.
Rachel:Well believe me it’s been a long time since I’ve been flung.
Joey:Well I know what I’m giving you for Christmas.
Chandler:You know what?.There’s some nice guys at my office do you want me to set you up?.

Tabitha Geller | Friends Fanfiction
FanficThis is the story of Tabitha Ella Sanderson Geller adopted sister of Ross and Monica Geller.