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(A/n: I know it's not her exact outfit in this chapter but it has the color I mention.)

I secured the neon green top around my neck then observed my outfit for the night.

I was on schedule to work and felt excited to be back in the club but also slightly nervous. Jackson and I's dates are something I could get use to, but at least working keeps my form intact.

Word got around the club quick that I've been seeing Jackson. A lot of the girls gave me this excited facade that I could see clean through.

Izzy only confirms the envy I sense from them by telling me the things she hears when I'm not at work.

"Watch her quit soon."

"If I was fucking a man like that- you'd never catch me here again!"

"Why her? I mean, you'd think I'd be his type instead!"

Comments that stung- but don't threaten my position in Jackson's life. I have no reason to feel lesser of myself, especially when he constantly proves to me why I shouldn't.

The night moved along smoothly so far. There weren't any solo dances tonight so that helped move it along even quicker. My body twirled as I entertained some new eyes that stopped by at my pole. I had a few usuals that always ask if or when I'll be doing private dances again, and why I stopped doing them.

Their questions either went unanswered, or filled in with a simple 'I don't want to anymore.'
Then things would be over and done with.

Well- most of the time would.

One of my usuals by the name of James somehow has been showing up everytime I worked. He'd either sit far in the back, or right by where I tend to dance- never an in between.

When he sat close he always spent the most money, but never talked.

Until tonight at least.

"You know gorgeous, as much as I come to see you- I can never get a hello!" He yelled over the music.

I had just finished my last routine for the night and could finally call it quits. All I could think about is Jackson while dancing and how much better it'd feel if it were his eyes staring instead. I secretly wish he would surprise me and 'watch' me all night long.

I kept raking up my money, eager to text him as soon as I returned to my things. It was almost three am, but we both had such 'odd jobs' that I wouldn't be surprised if he responded.

"Hi," I politely greeted him with a smile while continuing to collect all of my bills.

Usually I'd give a sassy remark, especially since he's the one that's paying to watch me. I didn't owe him a goddamn word, but I put up my nice girl side like always in hopes to make this interaction quick.

"Any chance I can get some alone time with such a doll like you?" He kept trying.

I couldn't deny how devilishly handsome this guy looked. Black hair, complex tats, tan skin, and dark eyes. His style wasn't far off from Jackson's, neither was his whole demeanor, but no matter how similar they seemed he'd never stand a chance in taking Jackson's place.

Plenty of men flirt with me throughout my shift. He isn't the first, and won't be the last. A polite rejection should shut all of his advances down.

At least that's what I hope.

"I'm sorry but I don't do private's anymore," I gave him an apologetic look.

Luckily I also finished gathering my rewards for the night. When I went to hop down off of the stage he came and stood uncomfortably close to me. To where I could feel the cloth of his rough jeans brushing against my leg.

"What if I gave you this?" He pulled out a stack of one hundreds so thick, that I wouldn't doubt that rubber band was holding over five thousand dollars together.

"I said I don't do private sessions," I repeated, this time more firm.

The large amount of money he whipped out raised even more alarm bells in my head. Not many people carry around that type of money, and some simply don't posses that much in general.

I crossed out it being any profession by all of the tattoos on his arms. No professional high paying job was most likely hiring him, at least not in the area, so that only left me to trust my gut that he's really no good.

"Oh come on. I can't stand boujee bitches like you. Just lead me to a damn room already," he started becoming forceful.

I had slipped my skimpy neon top back on immediately after performing. Since it's the only thing that has to be taken off, it was fairly thin and easy to maneuver.

I felt one of his hands grab onto my wrist firmly while the other gripped the strings of my top.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled, thrashing in his hold.

I prayed one of the bouncers heard from afar so they could break up our disturbance but no one turned around. Unfortunately, the other disgusting pigs watching us dance didn't care enough to help me either.

And they never will.

"St-" I went to yell again until I felt his hold be lifted off of me completely.

I assumed one of the bouncers finally heard and came to snatch him off of me unexpectedly. I fixed my top, tucking my breasts away again before turning around ready to thank Joe or Russell, but instead I found my boyfriend.

"What the..." I panted.

Jackson had a sinister look in his eyes while squeezing the living daylights out of James' throat. His burly arm had him in a choke hold , and Im convinced his bulging muscles would rip his jacket at any second.

"Jackson stop you're gonna kill him!" I grabbed his flexing bicep but it was no use.

"That's the point," he seethed, squeezing harder.

Everything around me felt surreal. I've seen a man die- plenty of people, plenty of times. Though just because I've seen it so many times, doesn't mean I enjoy witnessing it, and it takes a greater toll on my conscience than I'd like it to.

The public around us wasn't going to let Jackson get the chance to kill him. Not even Pierce his best friend.

Time picked up again and what literally knocked it back into reality was Pierce, as he sent a strong punch into Jackson's jaw.

It shook him up enough to drop the man on the verge of blacking out. The bouncers immediately ran to his collapsed body to remove him from VIP and take him else where. Jackson on the other hand was ready to full on chase them, and deal with him later until Pierce mumbled some words into his ear.

Everyone around us including some of the girls on stage were staring. Fights break out in the club all the time and people hate it because it shifts the atmosphere for a while, making it hard to relax in the space again.

"Come with me," Jackson snarled as he took my shaking hand in his.

And from the looks of it, we both were not pleased.


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