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For the first time in a while, I felt genuine happiness.

I had not experienced emotions like this since my teenage years and early twenties. I had a few girls from my past that actually did make it past a one night stand. They felt good because it gave me another person in my life that I knew would do whatever I say. Especially as my woman because I always provide.

But then I took some time to myself for the last two years, filling any empty feelings with a warm body. I look back now and thank myself for doing that because it led me to the most flawless woman I have ever laid eyes on.

Sex with a person I such have immense feelings for is unmatched, and had me sitting on cloud nine as I stared down at my sleeping beauty.

The rain pattered against the windows, soothing my mind along with her scent. We were both tangled in each other's limbs. Her head laid on my chest and arm across my body as one of her legs tangled between mine.

We were both naked and the skin to skin contact only made me feel an even deeper connection to her.

I admired the sleeping hat on Natasha's head that I've come to learn is a bonnet. She possessed an array of colors, all in silk material and all with her name on the bands.

She felt embarrassed at first last night to put it on in front of me after our endeavors in the shower, but I assured her she's still just as beautiful. We washed up after the passionate moment and were both brushing our teeth when she pulled the protective wear out.

I showered her in kisses once she put it on, reassuring her that she still has every right to feel beautiful because she is.

When a soul is so bright, it doesn't matter the shell it embodies because it will still shine through.

Natasha could make anything look cute or sexy in my eyes.

I stared down at her resting figure and took in the tranquil moment. I don't get many of these, and when I do they never last long.

I was currently avoiding my phone that I knew Pierce was blowing up. I'm a light sleeper. I have no choice but to be, so the vibrations from the device woke me up instantly.

His repetitive texts and calls made my phone move like crazy in my jean's pocket. My pants were somewhere on Natasha's floor and I dreaded getting up the more I listen to it rang.

It was five minutes after ten am when I woke up, but I chose not to reply to Pierce until close to eleven. If it's urgent he would've set off my watch. The watch is designed for emergencies so if I can't reach my phone I have something always on me. If he set that off then I would have been returned his calls.

I sighed heavily before carefully sliding myself out of the bed. Natasha stirred slightly but found a pillow nearby to hold instead.

I immediately went fishing for my phone in my pants pocket. I had to get a picture of the adorable sight, and after snapping a quick shot of her I smiled proudly down at the device.

Her bonnet was still well secured neatly around her head. The white sheets sheered her bare breasts from the lens, and her skin still managed to glow without any morning light.

I quickly made the photo my lock Screen then snatched my underwear off of the floor. I pressed one of Pierces' many missed calls and stuck the dialing phone between my head and shoulder as I struggled to pull my boxers up.

I left Natasha's room completely in search of her balcony. The bathroom was of course closer, but if Pierce's antics were to just be annoying then I wouldn't want to wake her with my yelling.

"What do you want Pierce?" I asked as soon as he picked up. The rain slowed up , but I stayed near the closed sliding doors under the awning anyways.

"Oh I'm sorry, 'thanks Pierce my bestest friend in the whole entire world for making sure I'm alive'!" Pierce dramatically restated.

"Pierce you knew where I was going," I warned again, not in the mood for his shit.

Not when I have the naked woman of my dreams laying in bed.

"Rafael says he's been trying to get ahold of you for several weeks now. He's getting married this weekend, wants us at the wedding."

Rafael is another well known man in our 'criminal world'. He mentored me a lot when I first got into this life, and is one of the reasons I am so successful today. If my gang's power is to ever waver, he'd be right behind me to help pick it up.

"Holy shit, I thought the old man would never find himself a woman.." I joked in shock.

"Yeah well he did, and our calendar looks free. I say we take some of the boys and leave a few days early," Pierce suggested.

"Where's the wedding?"


My eyes widened at the location.

One thing I didn't miss about a relationship is the insane amount of balance they take.

I was already struggling with showing Natasha I can handle her and my work, and would be a huge asshole if I left her for a few more days after such a mind blowing night.

"Dude... hello?" Pierce's annoying voice called over the line.

"I'm bringing Natasha," I stated.

I didn't have to ask Pierce or any of my men for permission. The only person that I needed approval from is my princess herself on if she would like to join me or not.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me.."

"Tell Rafael I'll be there, and to expect 3. I'll be home later," then hung up without further explanation.

I'd have to bring at least 15 of the boys just to travel with for security purposes, but only three people would actually be attending the wedding, and that's me, Pierce, and hopefully Natasha. A man like Rafael will of course already have protection everywhere.

I returned back inside the warmth of her penthouse to cuddle back next to my sleeping Angel, and hoped for a good mood to fall over her when she wakes up.


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