-Twenty One-

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I began to stir in my sleep as the feeling of small kisses on my skin became ticklish. At first I ignored it because my fatigue was calling me back to my slumber. I tried to act sound asleep until he began smothering me in affection, and I had no choice but to roll over into his arms.

"There she is.." he smiled down at me.

Jackson tried to come in for a kiss as I stretched, but I quickly dodged him and yawned the other way.

"Stop- I have morning breath," I mumbled.

His hand rubbing my hip softly reached up for my neck. I let him take the wanted control as usual once I couldn't escape the kiss he pulled me in for.

"I've kissed you after coming in your mouth, do you think I care about some damn morning breath?" He seriously asked while looking down at me.

My face went up in flames as I struggled to keep eye contact, but played it off by rolling my eyes and giving his bare chest a small nudge.

"Shut up..." I mumbled, turning my back towards him so I could grab my phone off of my nightstand.

It was around one pm and still gloomy outside. I sighed and read through the dozens of texts Izzy left me while Jackson continued to watch me. Arm thrown across my waist and chin tucked in the crevice of my neck, giving my shoulder small pecks.

Jackson himself is such a distraction that I completely forgot I never officially quit from the club, and have to call and inform my boss that I will no longer be working there...

...and tell Izzy.

"I'm hungry," he began to pout.

"We can go get lunch as soon as I get up.." I suggested gently while trying to form a proper text to Izzy.

My back laid against his chest as I rolled over in an attempt to concentrate. His buff arms had me in a secure hold against his warm skin, and I was melting from the skin to skin contact.

Fuck food- I wanna eat him instead.

"I'd rather have what's in front of me," he slyly commented, mirroring my tainted thoughts.

All of a sudden my phone was snatched out of my grasp. My mouth shot open in protest as I began praying he didn't accidentally delete the message or call someone by mistake.

He took my ajar mouth to his advantage and quickly stuck his tongue in it. There was a slight tang in our kiss, even after brushing our teeth last night, but we've both tasted worse.

He smiled into the cheeky kiss now satisfied that he got what he wanted. I moaned into Jackson's mouth, to hell with the phone when he feels so much better.

I caught my breath once he pulled his lips from mine, just to shortly place them down my jaw and neck. I couldn't think straight as my heart beat began to quicken. It didn't take much for him to get me worked up when the sight of him does enough.

I smiled to myself once I realized we could get straight to work since we didn't have the barrier of clothes. I already loved sleeping naked by myself, but adore it with him.

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