-Thirty Four-

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My body tingled with a heavenly high as I enjoyed our silent ride to the auction. We were running on time, I had a freshly sparked joint, and my caring partner beside me to really wisp away any left over nerves.

"Whenever you're done with that I would love the rest," Jackson suggested.

"Oh no Mr.. YOU wanted scotch," I pointed out while tapping the rim of his barely touched glass.

He hardly touched his half full cup yet still wanted some of my 'festivities'.

"Yeah well I rolled that joint," he threw back, taking his hand off my thigh for a split second.

He attempted to snatch it from my fingers but I was too quick, and ended up taking another hit instead.

"Here," I playfully rolled my eyes while bringing it to Jackson's lips.

I watched the red dot at the end burn up as he took a long drag from the happy stick.

"Thank you beautiful," he smiled, slowly releasing the cloud of smoke between words. His hand continued to rub my thigh to a soothing rhythm.

Jackson cracked the windows enough for the smoke to fly out as we sped through the night. His security followed and kept up close behind.

By now, I'm sure any perfume or cologne we had on had been overpowered by the stench of weed.

When Jackson first mentioned this auction, I thought it would be in some secretive building in a sketchy part of town. Or out of the city like Jackson's estate.

To my surprise though, it was being hosted in the center of Denver. The building was hard to miss and by other lively night events as well.

"This is quite the place to be holding an illegal event.." I thought out loud as we inched down the valet line.

"It's called hiding in plain sight," he winked my way.

I smirked and rolled my eyes before letting Jackson have the rest of the joint. He took a few more hits until we reached the valet boys, then ashed it in his glass before getting out.

"What a waste," I noted, grabbing his hand as I climbed out of his Lamborghini.

"Bad for the liver anyways."

My idea to smoke before this seemed to be doing us justice. I felt calmer than ever while next to Jackson, and his gentle grip on my hand let me know he too felt at ease.

Although the night is starting good, that doesn't mean it'll end that way.

"Jackson! Nice to see you man!" I heard a man yell from somewhere around us.

After making it inside there wasn't much to do besides wait for the auction to start. Everyone stood around mixing and mingling, or enjoying the horsd'oeuvlres provided by staff.

Jackson's security wouldn't let the man near us without his approval first. They held him tightly by his dress shirt collar while looking to Jackson. After Jackson's curt nod they allowed him access to our group.

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