-Forty Two-

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Jackson's mind began furiously racing like Natasha's vehicle down the empty road. Nothing but trees surrounded them from left to right, and the city wouldn't be near for another ten or fifteen miles.

Jackson knew Pierce missed that extra screw that the average person has. He didn't doubt for a second that Pierce would run them off the road if Natasha didn't pull over. He wasn't going to chase them for miles on end, and her vehicle certainly wasn't going to outrun the estate's SUVs.

"Natasha pull over," Jackson advised.

Natasha whipped her head between the road and her oddly calm lover.

"Jackson are you insane?" She stepped on the gas so hard she could've sworn her foot would be touching the asphalt soon.

Pierce was getting closer by the second. No more than two sedans could fit between the two vehicles, and the sight doused Natasha with nausea.

"He's not gonna stop, trust me and just pull over," Jackson demanded.

Natasha felt helpless as she hesitated for a moment, then finally let her foot meet the brake again.

She regretted foolishly leaving her apartment without her dad's men, but she also didn't think it would come to this. None of Jackson's men were anywhere to be found either.

The three were stranded and helpless.

"I love you.." Jackson reminded Natasha as the car finally came to a stop.

"I - love you," she rasped out, hot tears pouring down her cheeks.

Pierce had a fully loaded Mac-11 on his hip that caught Jackson's eye as he climbed out behind them.

Jackson quickly pulled Natasha in for what felt like his last kiss. Besides his family, he knew no one else in this world loved him like the woman before him. If these would be his last memories on Earth, then he was happy it got to be this.

Jackson slid out of his seatbelt and quickly got out. He ignored Natasha's cries to stay, and that they could figure this out, but all he did was press the lock button for her and slam the door shut.

"Hmm.. I was hoping to handle her first, but I guess this works too," Pierce diverted his gaze to Jackson.

Pierce had been making a b-line for the driver door of Natasha's vehicle, but quickly changed his mind when he saw Jackson.

"So this is it man? This is what you wanted? My entire life this entire time..." Jackson asked in disbelief.

Jackson was a selfish man, but not stingey. Whatever he had, Pierce usually had double, and it left a pain in Jackson's heart as he wondered how they got here.

"I get you everything man! When have I ever left you out?!" Jackson angrily yelled to someone slowly becoming a stranger to him.

"Shut up!" Pierce yelled, pulling his gun and aiming it directly in between Jackson's eyes.

"That's all you give a fuck about is material shit! Nothing else! Just pussy, money, and- and stupid shit!" Pierce yelled til he was red in the face.

Jackson didn't understand where the root of Pierce's frustrations were coming from.

"You'd buy me ten lambos if I asked you, but as soon as I ask for a weekend or two with my moms its always a 'next weekend,' or 'yeah I'll help you later..' then throw us into some shit so I can't leave.. well guess what man, it's later.." Pierce shoved the gun into his chest, his rage filled face inches from Jackson's.

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