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A/n: ^tony is played by trey

-a "zip" is an ounce of marijuana


"Damn, he still didn't show girly?" Izzy asked as she entered the locker room.

I was packing up my things for the night since I finished before her. Ever since I realized who was behind the flowers I had no choice but to thank the mysterious tattooed man. I asked around and found out he goes by the name of Jackson Whitman.

Friday came around and no one had seen a single sign of him. Word got around that Jackson favored me in some way, and a majority of the girls were excited for me. Apparently he has a lot of money, which makes sense with all of the luxurious presents and large tips he's been handing out. Little did they know stripping is just a fantasy of mine that I enjoy fulfilling and don't need another man, besides my father, of course, for anything, really.

Girls that worked at the club before me told me to not get my hopes up though. He's a certified man whore since he's so damn fine and doesn't come in regularly anymore anyways.

Something in me felt like his name sounded familiar. Like 'I know you through my father' familiar, but I didn't stress myself trying to lay a finger on it.

"Nope..." I huffed and tossed my last rack of the week into my duffle.

"Aw.. it's okay babe. How about this-"

Izzy walked over to her make up station and retrieved her phone. Her manicured nails typed furiously fast at the screen. I listened to the little taps while wondering what she could possibly be up to.

"I just asked one of my boys to get us a couple bottles for free, and I have an untouched zip at my place," she smirked.

I smiled and pulled Izzy in for a grateful hug. Starting our morning off by getting fucked up sounded spectacular to me.

Obnoxiously loud bangs against my apartment door startled me out of my sleep. I jumped up and clenched my racing heart that thudded against my ribs. Confusion struck me as I wondered how I ended up at my place. Especially after explicitly remembering crashing at Izzy's.

"I'm coming!" I yelled.

I snatched my robe off of the floor and tied it around my half naked body. When I got to the door, I realized the person was yelling too. I felt sorry for my poor neighbors and quickly yanked the door open to see Tony.

"You think this shit is funny huh? Don't you?!" He yelled all up in my face.

I stumbled backwards with Tony's fuming anger erupting before me. His coffee breath stung my nostrils and I made sure to push the door shut before he screamed any further.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Tony then pulled a blue bag from behind his back. At first my eyes didn't register what he could be showing me, but my nose did when I smelt the horrid scent.

Tony was holding up a fresh hot piece of shit.


I covered my mouth to hold in a laugh and turned away from him. Mere seconds later I heard the shit hit the ground as he yanked me into him by my hair.

With one hand gripping my roots tightly and the other around my neck, I had no choice but to cease my laughter out of pain.

"Tell your punk ass 'daddy' I don't play that," he seethed in my ear while gripping my neck even tighter.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I mustered all of my strength up. Then sent my elbow flying into his gut and foot into his crotch. Tony released me with a grunt and I quickly ran into the kitchen with tears streaming down my face. I picked out the biggest kitchen knife I owned and stood timidly behind the island.

He came limping into the kitchen a minute later and froze when his eyes landed on the knife. He threw his arms up in the air while shaking his head.

"Natasha look, put the knife down.."

"Shut up! I'm tired of your fucking shit Tony!" I screamed in anger as I clenched the knife so hard I began shaking.

Throughout my entire time knowing Tony, I always wondered what would be my 'I'm done' moment. What would finally detach my soul from his for good, and make me use our relationship as another tool that'll make me stronger...

Well.. I finally found my answer.

"My daddy didn't do that and neither did I. If you come to my house again, I'll make sure he puts your ass in a body bag. Get. The fuck. Out." I seethed.

"Natasha I'm sorry let's just ta-"

"Leave!" I yelled again, waving the knife a few times.

The gun I own was locked in my nightstand, and I wish I would've just grabbed that instead. That way my point would've gotten across the first time.

Tony mean mugged me for a few seconds then huffed. He turned on his heel and left with a loud slam, leaving the disgusting feces on my floor in the bag.

I already felt sick just by looking at it, but damn near ill when I think about who could have done it.


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