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"How is he your best friend if all you guys do is fight?"

Jackson had just finished explaining to me their very complicated friendship. He claims he loves Pierce like a brother, and they definitely fight like a pair would. He said he could beat Pierce senseless all day if he really wanted to, but if someone else even dare thought of it, it was off with their head.

Four mimosas down and a few funny stories later I was ready to see Jackson in his element. He specifically invited me over to show me what he usually does. Today 'on schedule' for him, consisted of whipping a group of new guys into shape. They had 'hell week' next week for their final initiation, and Jackson wanted to see who would break before then.

Most people would've looked at him as if he were crazy. Me on the other hand couldn't calm the storm in my panties. I loved how gently he handled me, but how cold he is towards others.

"I'll be right back," he rose from his chair. He didn't leave without kissing the top of my head first. I smiled to myself like a giddy school girl after seeing her crush.

I listened to the waterfall trickling into the pool. My body felt at peace as I took in how blessed I am.

My tranquil state got cut short by Jackson's booming voice.

"Everyone out now!" He demanded.

My head snapped toward the French doors that were flying open. A sea of men filed out as ordered. Some looked my way, others kept their head straight.

There were about thirty of them. All looking fresh out of high school or college, with barely any in between. They broke up into three single file rows of ten in the grass. The group wasn't too far from where I sat on the deck, so I could still hear Jackson clearly.

It looked like a commander ruling over his army. Jackson didn't hesitate to yell extremely loud and obnoxiously close to each one of their face's. The boys barely flinched a muscle. Meanwhile I couldn't stop anxiously bouncing my leg.

Jackson soon ordered for them all to begin doing a list of exercises. Each exercise having to be a minute long. At first everyone was doing fine, but natural fatigue began to take over sooner than later.

I noticed a couple of the boys in the group eyeballing me. I could tell they were looking to impress me. All I cared for though was the man making their day a living hell.

"Maybe you could do a fucking push up if you stopped eyeing my girl!" Jackson yelled directly in one guy's ear.

"Off your knees!" He commanded as well.

I tried to conceal my smile but it ended up turning into a smirk. The champagne running through me made Jackson's touch something I couldn't get off of my mind.

"S-sorry sir!" The boy immediately apologized, still struggling to push himself up and down.

Jackson stepped on his back, forcing him against the ground. He leaned down to seethe something into his ear. Whatever he said sent the color draining from his trainees face. 

He all of a sudden had the energy to do push-ups. And so did the rest of the group after the encounter, out of fear that they'd be next. The boys that had their eye on me kept their gaze on the ground for the rest of the session.


An hour later when the sun was just beginning to set is when they finished. By the end of their training they were all shirtless and a heaving mess. Some couldn't even get back inside of the house, and just laid out in the grass under pure exhaustion.

I noticed that a lot of them had tattoos as well. After some more looking at each one, I noticed they all had a long black strip of ink on their fore arm. I never noticed it on Jackson because of all his other works of art.

"So what do you think?" Jackson startled me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He pressed a kiss to my temple while slightly rocking us a little back and forth.

"I think.. you look damn sexy while doing your work," I smirked, turning around to place my hand on his cheek.

His perfect teeth bit his bottom lip. The alcohol still controlling a part of my brain made me want to suck him off right then and there.

"Really?" His tone was shock with a smirk on his face.

"Mhmm.." I hummed reassuringly.

He grabbed my hand and led me back inside. Two guards were already there on standby, still as a statue.

"Show her to my room please," Jackson asked one of them.

He kissed the back of my hand before releasing it. Then informed me that he'd take no longer than five minutes.

The man led me towards the foyer. We were almost there until we sharply turned, and waiting for us was an elevator.

Should I even be shocked that he has an elevator in his house?

The transportation had a golden interior with mirrors on the ceiling. I got distracted and admired my reflection the entire way up without a care in the world. We reached the third  level out of four. It opened to a spacious hallway, two doors on each wall parallel to each other, and two wooden double doors at the end.

I assumed those opened to Jackson's room, and the guard punching in a code confirmed it. On top of the lock was a thumb scanner as well, making me question just how special his quarters could be.

"He'll be right with you miss," he tried his hardest to give me a smile but it just looked awkward.

Once he was gone I looked around Jackson's room. From the outside you'd think he hid gold in here, but it ended up being like any other bedroom. He had a spacious bed a little bit bigger than a king, his own luxurious bathroom, and a his and hers closet.

Can't Wait until I fill the 'hers' side.

Wide windows aligned the wall with a glass double door that led out to a balcony in between them. The balcony overlooked the entire backyard. From the deck covering, to the pool, to another magical garden along with a green house. Past the estate property was a breathtaking view of empty vivacious land.

After staring at the sunset for way too long I forgot all about Jackson. When I opened the doors to step in I found him shirtless on his bed. All of his torso laid out finally exposed to me, and I couldn't stop the drool pooling in my mouth.

"Did you like the view?"

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