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"Hey, we heard some fight broke out in VIP tonight. What happened?" Gigi, a new girl on the team asked Izzy and I.

The clock read 4:45 am and we had just finished cleaning up our spots for the night. I could finally change into some comfortable clothing and couldn't stop thinking about my bed awaiting me.

"Yeah some group of guys came in. One asked me for a private dance and I would've gave him one until his friend whistled. Next thing I know the two are throwing punches, and Keith had to throw 'em out for the night," I shrugged.

I had never seen those guys before, but I found out later through our boss that they were "highly valued". Meaning he wouldn't be banning them from the club, just permitting them from coming back for the night.

"We heard some glass shatter," another newbie commented.

"They knocked over a bottle of '42," I picked up my bag and keys, ready to leave before they tried turning this into a conversation.

"See you girls Friday," Izzy bid our goodbyes for us as we walked out.

"Okay but you gotta admit the guy with all the tats was sexy," Izzy fanned herself with one of her many stacks of bills.

I rolled my eyes as I hit the unlock button. As I sat my bag down carefully in the back seat, the bottles inside began to clink.

"Um, what was that?" She noticed from the passenger seat.

"Well 'Mr. sexy' left the rest of his bottles on the table, and boss said we could have them since they're paid for," I shrugged with a small smile.

Not only did I walk away with just barely a grand for the night, but two bottles of 1942 that my best friend and I planned on after-partying with.

I secretly thanked our aggressive clients for the visit tonight and didn't give them a second thought.


Later on that day I woke up close to five pm with a raging headache and sick stomach. Rain pattered against my windows and I thanked God that I didn't have to work.

I laid in bed with a my pillow pressed to my face, trying my hardest to calm the nausea but it won anyways. Seconds later I went running for the toilet, getting rid of whatever alcohol that still pulsed my hangover.

A few minutes of dry heaving later and my stomach felt close to empty. I hastily brushed my teeth so I could search for my phone next. Every time I get drunk I surprise myself.

It's either drunk texts to my booty call, a couple raunchy selfies on social media, or better yet some random in my place.

Out of all those horrid options- the drunk texts won, and boy did my 'lover' reply to them.

I read our messages with one eye open because I couldn't believe the things I had said.


"Come over and have some fun with me baby;)"

"I wanna feel you so badly right now."

I slammed my palm against my forehead as I read the horny texts over and over. My wretched ex-boyfriend's replies were no better.

"I knew you missed me;)"

"Send me your address again."

"Natasha pick up."

"All you do is fucking lie."


I huffed and cleared all of his missed texts and calls, deciding that it's a situation for later.

Tony, my ex boyfriend of 5 years is currently my on again off again booty call. He's no good for me, and it took me seeing him cheat with my own two eyes to realize that. Sadly though, my heart still possessed a soft spot for him. He knew my body like the back of his hand, and I didn't like raising my body count with a random that couldn't guarantee me an orgasm.

To say the least, we fell under the complicated category of: toxic. The only thing that makes it feel better is the phenomenal sex.

On my walk to the kitchen I passed my living room. The lights were already on, and last nights 'activities' were still on the table. Along with my best friend passed out on my couch, who startled me once I rounded it.

"Ahh!" I yelped.

Izzy darted up and out of her sleep just as scared as me. We both quickly calmed down after. I held my racing heart and she held her throbbing head and stomach.

"Fuck.. I'm going to the shitter," she groaned.

I chuckled and cleaned up the two empty alcohol bottles. When I passed my front door I noticed a small card peeking out from under the crack. Surprise after surprise had just been awaiting me.

"For you <3" the card read.

I scrunched my eyebrows and checked the peep hole first. Then opened up the door to find a round box sitting at my feet. I peeled the top off as I picked them up to find bright pink custom roses. The heavenly scent filled my nostrils and put me at ease.

I had no exact clue on who the arrangement could be from, but took it anyways with a smile.

My dad has sent me flowers before in the past, but it's been so long since he last has that I couldn't even recall the occasion. I made a note to thank him for the arrangement then placed them in the center of my kitchen island.

A gift to ease the hangover I guess.


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