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My chest heaved up and down rapidly as I shot up out of my sleep. The clothes on my body clung tightly to my skin as a cold sweat dripped from my hairline. All I could hear was the thud of my heart and the night's wind that danced through the balcony doors.

A filthy wet dream of Natasha and I had woken me up- yet again. I couldn't get the sight of that pink little prize between her legs out of my mind, or better yet it's taste. And her moans seemed to chase me down in my dreams, until they're all that surrounded me and I couldn't help but to bust inside of her.

But in this case, it ended up in my now sticky boxers.

I huffed and trudged to my bathroom like an upset child. I've never waited this long to have sex with a woman I desire, especially one like Natasha. Not even after our successful date last night. She had an appointment in the morning that I didn't want her late for, so as hard as it was, I refrained from bringing her to my place.

This woman had me jizzing in my pants as if I were a preteen again.

I took a quick shower to get the evidence of my sinful dream off of me. After drying off I checked the time to see it just striking three am. I threw on a black tee and grey sweats, grabbed my phone, and headed for the first floor.

Once down there I heard the usual commotion of my men. Most quarters on the estate stayed occupied, including the basement where trainees live. The only part I closed off for myself is the floor holding my bedroom, and a small quarter of the west wing.

I entered the recreational room to find a majority of my boys. Pierce was the first to call out to me, standing up on the bar like a Jack ass.

"There you are! Almost missed me break Linell's record of 15 shots! Number 16 here I come!" Pierce knocked back the final shot of white liquor.

The entire room lit up with celebration. I shook my head and stormed over to Pierce who looked a minute away from blacking out.

A day or two out of the week I allow a portion of the men to enjoy themselves. Since there are so many of them, not all can at once, or else I'd be paying them for nothing.

Pierce's group had the recreation room for the night, including other things in the house to do, and were usually always the rowdiest.

"Hey man! How was your- your-" as quickly as I walked over to Pierce is as quick as I ran. He hunched over on the bar and vomited right there on the floor.

Everyone around including myself backed away as the yellowish green pile only got bigger.

"Alright thanks to your buddy Pierce here you guys are DONE for the night! Someone help him and clean this shit up and head out for the night!" I ordered.

I completely changed the fun atmosphere back to our work environment. With out a care that I ruined their night I returned to my office next.

Once in the comfort of my own space I locked the door behind me. Like any other workaholic, when I can't sleep or have some free time- I work.

I needed something to take my mind off of Natasha or my balls would ache all night.

Being a man like myself didn't involve too much paperwork since it's so hands on, but I decided to make a couple of payments and do more investigating on the recent break in.

Lately, my crew and I have been having more and more problems. They weren't frequent enough to put us on high alert, just happening in patterns that put us on edge.

Before the burglary, there was the tampered shipment, then after that, a custom foreign car of mine that was being shipped in the states somehow got 'lost'. Still no one knows what happened to it, and I had to bark at plenty of people for losing an entire fucking car.

Until two weeks later Polaroids in an yellow envelope showed up at the estate. They were pictures of my car, completely destroyed and almost burnt to a crisp.

I saw red for so long that I drink until I was sick. Those were the first instances, and thinking about all three at once only raises my pressure.

From time to time another gang will find mine and of course try to disband us. The goal of every gang is to prove a point. Show that you can do anything you want with the right amount of power.

'Petty crimes' like those happen all of the time by smaller gangs. They fuck with us, think they can get in our head, fill in a rat, then strip us for all they can take.

Until I show them exactly who they're fucking with- and blood is shed.

Lately though, my gut's been telling me these petty crimes weren't going to stop any time soon, and eventually escalate into something more severe.

Before meeting Natasha- I had nothing to lose, not even my own life.

I've done so many unspeakable things on this Earth, that when my day comes nobody should even blink twice.

But with this newly found light..

I'm willing to do any and everything for her- for the both of us.


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