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"I pay these dumbasses too much for shit like this to happen Pierce!" I yelled as I threw a glass against the wall.

The shattering sound echoed through out the room. I watched the pieces glimmer by the fire like glitter as the rug began absorbing a new alcohol stain.

"How did this happen?" I snarled and examined the iPad again.

Some time between last night and during my date with Natasha, one of my houses in Cuba got broken into. They stole all of the electronics and valuable decor. The only thing that went untouched is the safe. Its bullet and explosives proof, and if the code gets punched in wrong too many times or broken it releases a group of gasses. The kind that make a person unconscious for up to eight hours.. twelve if they're small enough.

"The boys said they were on watch-" Pierce tried to defend.

"Cut the shit. Look at this."

I stared at my mangled house on the surveillance camera. All of the men that did it were masked and covered head to toe in black. When they raided my house not a single one of my men were on site.

"Find the list of every single person I had working in that house.." I seethed as I started to see red.

Guess it's time to get my reparations..

{ Natasha}

I found myself staring at my bedroom ceiling fan. I watched it spin countless of times as I missed Jackson almost every hour of the day.

After such a passionate date I thought all would be well. I spilled the details to Izzy who only encouraged me to see more of him. I successfully got my name off of the private dance list at the club. I also even blocked Tony on all socials for the last time, including his number and asked the building to not let him in if seen.

Even though that sounds like all should be well- it isn't.

It had now been two days since our date and I hadn't heard a word from Jackson. A majority of my feelings were sadness, but also anger. I just didn't have the energy to chase another man after going through the ringer with Tony.

I texted and called him a few times, but after a dozen of each I gave up. Now the only thing left to feel is stupidity to even think this could all be true so soon.

As I rolled up my second blunt of the day while watching the sun set on my balcony, I heard the faint buzz of my doorbell ring.

I carefully set aside the narcotics and fixed my clothing as I approached the door. I had on a tank top that hugged my figure nicely, and velvet baby pink shorts that barely covered my ass.

When I glanced through the peep hole I found no one there. Now aggravated by the interruption I yanked open the door ready to search for the ding dong ditcher. Until I looked down and found a white box with a silk scarlet bow around it.

At first I stared down at the box in confusion while scanning the hallway here and there. After a minute passed I finally bent down, retrieved the surprise, and returned back inside the safety of my apartment.

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