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Dedicated to hariharapriya143

He walked into my heart like he always belonged there, took down my walls and lit my soul on fire....
~Siya Rose Maan Singhania...


After completing the war and sending evil soccerer to prison Elijah was over the moon after getting his daughter back. He apologized again and again to his daughter about his outburst. He was so glued to silvia that Alzar was irritated.

After that Alzar was made king of all four kingdoms and once everything was settled Elijah retired and came to live in Empericia with Alzar and Silvia. After four years Silvia gave birth to first baby boy named..


Lazarus was carbon copy of his father Alzar. So his father named him LAZARUS derived from ALZAR. And his grandfather Elijah named him LUCA after his best friend and Alzar's father LUCAS DOMAN ALDARIC!!

Lazarus or lazz.. By his parents was beloved son of Alzar. Generally sons are mumma's boy but he was his father's little cub (lion's baby). His father can kill and die for him. And for lazz his father was God, his words were Law and his every wish was little lazz's command. Once he killed group of notorious bandits alone because they called his father lier.

He loved Silvia but Alzar was whole different story. So when after seven years triplets were borned Silvia was over the moon!!! Because for them their mother was every thing.


ELI, DOM and NIK!!! Apple of their mother's eye. Always in her team when their elder brother and father argue with their mother. And three disfunctional mistakes for their father. As they always argue with each other. Alzar was initially devasted after taking care of three monkeys only in a month. Exhausted even. Because Lazz was always calm, collected and happy child. But these mistake of his were always cranky, crying and trouble.

And lazz his father's strength took care of them as a responsible big brother. Three of them feared, reapected and greatly adored lazz. Even idolised him. But their father was different story. Every time fighting and arguing with him till lazz growled at them threateningly.

Time flew by...... After centuries .....

When Alzar and Silvia were ready to give their empire to Lazarus he divided it in four subdivisions. And gave Arcinia to Elijah, Atlantic to Dominic and Zania to Luther to rule under him. And by doing this he proved that Alzar and Silvia raised an Emperor not a king!! A perfect son, brother, emperor and in future a perfect husband and father to his child and subjects.

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